
Showing posts from August, 2023

⚠️Hurricane Incoming⚠️

Hey howdy hey! This week has gone by so fast, but its been awesome. Weve had some great lessons with our friends lately and theres a catigory 3 hurricane thats supposed to hit tuesday night so we have to evacuate. Exchanges This week I was able to participate in annother exchange. I went to the same area i was just with annother missionary. His name is elder Johnston and hes such a cool dude. That day we ended up doing a bunch of service for this family that owns an orchard. For most of the time I was weed whacking in between the trees. I found and exterminated a total of 6 banana spiders, those things are creepy. I almost walked into one of the webs too. Miricle moment ️ While we were knocking doors we ran into this awesom dude, im just going to refer to him as BK. We started talking to him and he told us that he has stage 5 kidney failure. Hes only 27. He said that hes trying to get as close to God as he can right now. BK was the happiest guy ive ever met, its awesome that hes able

Here ya go (to Mom and Dad)

Don't send this to people... Tuesday This Tuesday was actualy pretty awesome. Every time we leave our trailer we say a prayer. Today I prayed that the people we talked to would be receptive; and oh my they were. We started out the day by doing some service for this one lady. She had a huge yard and wanted us to go around and pick up the sticks so they wouldent ruin the mower. While we were doing that I bundered and waked right into a banana spider web. With exceeding vallor and corrage I aquired a rod and slayed the spooky beast. After lunch we went (yet again) knockin doors. We eventually made our way to the hood of cross city. We ended up finding this super coold dude. His name is Brandon and sadly he has stage 5 kidney failure. Hes only 27. He said he dosen't have much longer to live so he was working on getting closer to God before he dies. We were able to give him a Book of Mormon and we're planning on having a lesson with him tommorow. Wensday Today I made some killer

(Mom) Aug 27 2023

Hey, thanks for sharing that google photos memory. That was fun to see all those pics of us together biking and hiking. Bike rides are definitely less adventurous without you here. So we got a new bishopric today. That was sad and exciting at the same time. The new bishop is Bishop Egan (was one of Logan's deacon's quorum leaders). Brother Serrano is his first councilor and Brother Juber is his second counselor. We had a great sacrament meeting where the old bishopric and new bishopric talked. It was pretty cool to feel the confirmation from the Spirit that the changes came through revelation. I'm super sad to see Bishop Tranter and his councilors get released, but it will be a good change and I am excited for the new bishopric. I took ballroom team photos yesterday. That was less stressful than last year when I just got thrown into it, but it was definitely, tiring anyway. There are 12 seniors on the team this year, and I took their photos for the senior banner

Are you alive? (Dad) Aug 27 2023

  I thought after you sent me the picture of your dinner last night that you might be dead; because I imagine that is what heaven would look like :).  So I assume that you are onto the next life.  Seriously, though, hopefully you liked them and hopefully you come back with some good crab cooking skills that you can share with me. Anyways, hopefully your week has been good. I saw your picture come through the mission's facebook page. I assume that meant that you have interviews with the mission president. Hope it went well. Always good to visit with a priesthood leader. This week has been kinda busy. we got the last of the bottom stones into the hill; at least the last for this year. I ordered more stones to come so we will be stacking those when we get here. I'll be missing you a ton (like literally, those are like 50lbs stones and we got 50 of them coming).  Logan had his ballroom party and mom took team pictures for it. She also did Senior pictures for the seniors on ballroom

Forward from Mom Aug 23 2023

 I really loved this analogy.  There are people out there that don’t know they need your rescue.  Just keep loving them.  Eventually some of them will see that they need the gospel in their lives.   This  email is from the daughter of Emily Belle Freeman who is the new YW general president.    Love Mom The waves did not seem that big in the beginning. Just the typical ocean, it felt like it was almost taunting us to swim in it. We were jumping and splashing and loving every single second of the Costa Rican coast, until all of a sudden we weren’t. Maybe the riptide was there the entire time, maybe it wasn’t; either way we were stuck in the middle of it. There seemed to be a distinct moment when all of us realized that we were no longer safe, that we couldn’t find safety on our own. We all looked around with a little bit of panic on our faces, realizing we were in a situation much too big to figure out ourselves. They must have seen us from the shore; they saw us and they came. I don’t k

Haircuts and Talks 💇‍♂️

Yo yo yo what's up? This week has been a pretty eventful week as always, so let's get into it! Most of this week was a bunch of door knocking and it was pretty disappointing because almost no one answered. The people who did answer would just tell us they weren't interested. There was this one street that we went on though that for some reason the people were really receptive. We gave out like 3 book of mormons and it was awesome. The members here are so cool. We eat like kings every day and the food is so good. Something else thats nice is that they are all so willing to help us out. One of the members even gave us a much needed haircut. I had the opportunity to give a talk this Sunday, I didn't have much time though so I had to teach by the spirit. I was really nervous going into it but it actually went pretty well. I talked about president Nelson's most recent talk "peacemakers needed" deffinitely listen to that one if you haven't yet. Hope yalls f

Here's what I've been up to (to Mom and Dad)

This isn't the email for everybody btw it's just for you guys Tuesday Today was a more normal missionary day, we started out by mowing someone's lawn who couldn't do it themselves. The grass was pretty long, but it was kinda fun cuz I like mowing lawns. All of our lessons fell through so we just went knocking on people's doors. It was kinda nice to not be so busy today though. There was this one person who was an innactive member so we decided to go knock on their door. When we got there however their gate was closed and locked. Since we couldent get to their door we decided to just leave a card in their mailbox. As soon as we did that a lady came out of the house. We went over to talk to her and we told her that we put a card in her mailbox. She said that it was a federal offence to put things in mailboxes unless you are the mail service. She told us that she was gonna report us and all this stuff. We just stood there and said "yes ma'am". Wensday Tod

Turtles and speiiders 🕷

My first full week in the feild has come and gone, and it's been awesome! Something about living in Florida is that you cant look in any direction without seing green. We're sourounded by forests and swamps everywhere we go. The good part about this is that I get to see lots of cool bugs and animals. We found this one spider called a banana spider, and those things are creeeepy. We also found a turtle crossing the road so we had to save him Spiritual moment About two weeks before I arrived, one of the families in our ward experienced a suicide. We had the opportunity last Monday to go over and share a message wih them. What we didn't know however was that they invited one of the friends of the person over for dinner that night who isnt a member. The friends name is Joey and he was having a rough time with the recent event. For the message we decided to talk about the spirit world and what happens after you die. We could definitely all feel the spirit really strongly when w

Back from camping (Dad) Aug 9 2023

  Hey Elder Pixton, you are probably going to bed soon, so you may not get this tonight, but just wanted to drop you a quick line. It was great to talk to you on Monday. You seem like you have a great companion and I have been hoping for that for a long time. Hope you learn a lot from him.  How is the area going? Your PMG app calendar looks packed( i took a peek), but what is 'Kings Feast'? is that like a lunch place or something? Made me smile.  Anyways, camping was cold. You wouldn't think it would be in August, but we were pretty cold; especially at night. Eden and Logan both slept in their coats. We mostly hiked and hung out in the hammocks. <Not quite so high up in the trees as years past :) > We made a big fire last night that freaked out your mom; so mission accomplished! We have the dedication of the temple on Sunday so that will be exciting. I don't know if I told you or not, but I did get tickets for me and your mom to go to the dedication at the temple;

Bird smoothie 🦅

This week has been craaazy, from airplanes to birds to both of them combined its been a wild ride. We woke up at 330 for our flight on thrusday. Our plane was in the air for like 5 minutes and then the pilot got on the speaker and was like so we just hit a bird so we're gonna have to turn around. It turns out the thing flew into our engine. Our flight ended up getting canceled so they changed it to Friday. Now I'm in Florida and let me tell yall, it is so so humid. I walked out of that airport and it felt like I walked into a brick wall. My companion is awesome, his name is Elder Clukey and he's from Canada so that's pretty cool. Our area is pretty low income I was kind of surprised when I found out that everyone lives in trailers. It's humbling to see the conditions that some people have to live in. The people are all so nice though. I haven't even had anyone close the door on me yet. Everyone is so willing to hear about the gospel. Scripture of the week: Look

You made it!- From Mom Aug 6 2023

  Hey William, Just thought I should write you so you have an email from me to open on p-day.  I spent all week last week at girls camp as you know and it was a wonderful experience.  One of the things that I kept thinking about all week as we did the different activities was that Heavenly Father wants us to have joy.  As I got to spend the week in one of my favorite places full of beautiful landscapes with trees and wildflowers,I found joy.  We got to soak each other with aqua zookas while paddling around on the lake and we laughed into the late hours playing games and telling stories with the stake presidency.  We got to do the challenge coarse and throw tomahawks.  We got to hike and sing together in the trees.  And with every one of these experiences there was a reflection where we talked about how the various activities related to our lives and the gospel.  We had fun together and we felt the Spirit strongly together.  It was just a testament to me that Heavenly Father wants us to

In the springs (Dad) Aug 5 2023

  Hey Elder Pixton! I hope this email finds you well after (what I hope) was a great first day in your area. So awesome to think of you out there doing the Lord's work. We've checked on your luggage tags a few times and it looks like you are in an area with lots of springs and water. Not sure if you have a dry spot in your mission. I'm sure you've had a long few days and I hope that you find the 'Lord's Rest'. I think the Lord blesses us to recover quickly when we are in his service and hopefully you've seen that, but it is all new to you so, that might not be on the forefront of your mind. This week in come follow me, we've been reading about Paul's journey to Rome to preach to those people and about how he was shipwrecked and stuck on an island for a few months. Made me think of you a little bit; being stuck in the MTC for an extra day and probably feeling like you live in the airport. So call that you did some contacting in the airport. cool t

Off to Jacksonville- From Dad- Aug 2 2023

  Hey William, It was great to talk to you yesterday. I loved hearing about your training and working with members of the district. Sounds like you've been very helpful in helping that elder in your district to come unto Christ. That's what missionaries do, they help bring people to Christ. Most of the work has to be on their end, just like it was for this Elder, but it was a great blessing that Father allowed you to be part of his journey. You can always look back and say, I was part (maybe a small part) but I got to be part of his story. You'll have hundreds if not thousands of experiences like that during this time in Florida/Georgia.  You sounded like you are ready and you are handling whatever normal anxieties someone would have in your shoes. You got this.  I hope you love your mission president and his wife just like I love my mission president. I learned so much from my mission president and I hope you have a similar experience. He seems like he is pretty great; you

From Cohen August 2

  you are gonna be a great missionary and you will teach tons of people.  I think you are amazing. From Cohen.

Graham Canyon

Hey y'all! This week has been jam packed with classes and devotionals all day. Its been a party, but my time has come. I report to the mtc travel office at 3:40 in the morning on tuesday. It's gonna be a really long day but I'm excited to get outta here and start doing the Lord's work Moderately funny story My district and I discovered that there is a creamery at the MTC that sells byu ice cream. So pretty much every day this week we've been eating Graham canyon, the stuff is quite the delicacy around here since the rest of the food is very sub par. Scripture of the week Romans 8:38-39: For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Hope y'all are doing great, and good luck to all of those who will be starting the new school year soon! Elder Pixt