Here's what I've been up to (to Mom and Dad)

This isn't the email for everybody btw it's just for you guys


Today was a more normal missionary day, we started out by mowing someone's lawn who couldn't do it themselves. The grass was pretty long, but it was kinda fun cuz I like mowing lawns. All of our lessons fell through so we just went knocking on people's doors. It was kinda nice to not be so busy today though.

There was this one person who was an innactive member so we decided to go knock on their door. When we got there however their gate was closed and locked. Since we couldent get to their door we decided to just leave a card in their mailbox. As soon as we did that a lady came out of the house. We went over to talk to her and we told her that we put a card in her mailbox. She said that it was a federal offence to put things in mailboxes unless you are the mail service. She told us that she was gonna report us and all this stuff. We just stood there and said "yes ma'am".

Today we did tradeoffs, its pretty much where you trade companions for 24 hours. I got put with Elder Watkins, he's a cool dude. He's really good at chess so we've been playing a bunch of that. He destroyed me. We did a lot of door knocking today and pretty much no one answered.

Today we came back from our tradeoff, it was cool to see the different teaching styles between my comp and elder Watkins. Today was a pretty uneventful day. It rained a lot, but we just worked on planing the rest of our week. We had a good dinner though.

We probably knocked on 100 doors today, it was kinda fun but also not. Most people didn't answer and the ones who did weren't interested. I caught a lizard man today though so that was cool.

Today felt so long, it was so hot outside and no one was answering their doors.

For dinner today one of my comps friends took us out to eat at this one place and they had gator nuggets. Tbh they just tasted like chicken, after that we went and got fried oreos, and those were delicious.

Today has been wild. During Sunday school in our first ward someone asked us to run over and give a blessing to them. But it was out in the middle of nowhere so we got lost on the way to sacrament meeting number 2. We were like 10 minutes late and we got there right as it was time for me to give my talk. My talk felt really unorganized but I was deffinitely feeling the spirit the whole time during it. I didn't have much time to prepare for it so I just had to trust that the spirit would clutch up. And he did. After that we had a really good Sunday school and then ran to a sick members house to give them the sacrament.



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