Off to Jacksonville- From Dad- Aug 2 2023

 Hey William, It was great to talk to you yesterday. I loved hearing about your training and working with members of the district. Sounds like you've been very helpful in helping that elder in your district to come unto Christ. That's what missionaries do, they help bring people to Christ. Most of the work has to be on their end, just like it was for this Elder, but it was a great blessing that Father allowed you to be part of his journey. You can always look back and say, I was part (maybe a small part) but I got to be part of his story. You'll have hundreds if not thousands of experiences like that during this time in Florida/Georgia. 

You sounded like you are ready and you are handling whatever normal anxieties someone would have in your shoes. You got this. 
I hope you love your mission president and his wife just like I love my mission president. I learned so much from my mission president and I hope you have a similar experience. He seems like he is pretty great; you'll have to let me know.

Well try to get some sleep tonight, but don't oversleep 😴. As always, I keep you in my thoughts and prayers and will do the same tomorrow. It's going to be amazing!
Love always, 


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