Turtles and speiiders 🕷

My first full week in the feild has come and gone, and it's been awesome!

Something about living in Florida is that you cant look in any direction without seing green. We're sourounded by forests and swamps everywhere we go. The good part about this is that I get to see lots of cool bugs and animals. We found this one spider called a banana spider, and those things are creeeepy. We also found a turtle crossing the road so we had to save him

Spiritual moment
About two weeks before I arrived, one of the families in our ward experienced a suicide. We had the opportunity last Monday to go over and share a message wih them. What we didn't know however was that they invited one of the friends of the person over for dinner that night who isnt a member. The friends name is Joey and he was having a rough time with the recent event. For the message we decided to talk about the spirit world and what happens after you die. We could definitely all feel the spirit really strongly when we bore our testimonies at the end. I thought it was so cool that God was able to use us to help comfort that family.

Hope yall are doing great!
Elder Pixton

Here's da photo album for some more pics

- speider
- tiny tim


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