Here ya go (to Mom and Dad)

Don't send this to people...

This Tuesday was actualy pretty awesome. Every time we leave our trailer we say a prayer. Today I prayed that the people we talked to would be receptive; and oh my they were. We started out the day by doing some service for this one lady. She had a huge yard and wanted us to go around and pick up the sticks so they wouldent ruin the mower. While we were doing that I bundered and waked right into a banana spider web. With exceeding vallor and corrage I aquired a rod and slayed the spooky beast.

After lunch we went (yet again) knockin doors. We eventually made our way to the hood of cross city. We ended up finding this super coold dude. His name is Brandon and sadly he has stage 5 kidney failure. Hes only 27. He said he dosen't have much longer to live so he was working on getting closer to God before he dies. We were able to give him a Book of Mormon and we're planning on having a lesson with him tommorow.

Today I made some killer bacon for breakfast, after that we went to go move some furniture for miss Angie. She's an old German lady who we've taught a lot but isn't all that interested in the church, she loves missionaries though. On wensdays we have district council so we had to dress up all fancy for that and drive to Gainesville. There's actually a lot of places to eat in Gainesville so we were gonna get chick fil a but we found a Chinese restaurant instead

After that we went to district council, its just where we meet up with a bunch of the other missionaries who are kinda close to us. For dinner the branch had a potluck where everyone made something from a different country. We got Canada cuz elder Cukey (clue-key, btw) is from Canada. We were gonna make pootein (poo-teen) with is just fries with cheese curds and gravy. Sadly we couldent find cheese curds anywhere. So we just decided to not bring anything at the dinner we talked to the lady who cut my hair and her husband a bunch. Also it's been 3 weeks since I got out here today so I got to drive big red

Today we had exchanges so I'm with Elder Johnston for the next 24 hours. That was about it.

Our first item of business today was to go do some service at an orchard. I pretty much weed whacked for 2 hours straight, by the end of it i was covered in plants and spiderwebs. I discovered and exterminated a total of 6 banana spiders. After that we had some hot dogs for lunch. The fire was exceedingly hot tho so I lost all the hair on my knuckles.

After that we did a bunch of door knocking in the Florida heat. We got to talk to a methodist dude who was like don't you guys worship a Bryan Smith guy or something. So we were like his name is Joseph Smith and he was a prophet for our church we but we don't worship him. Then he was like well he used to be a Baptist so didn't your religion come from the baptists. Then I was like no our religion comes from Jesus Chirst (mic drop). Then he was like well I dont know about that and closed the door. It's interesting to see all the misconceptions people have about our church. It's like if you want to know about what we teach at our church don't go ask random joe shmow who's never been to our church. Come to church and find out for yourself.

Following that we came home and played spaghetti roulette. We had some leftovers but elder Johnston didn't know how old they were so we just tried it. I took one bite and I was like nope and made myself a PBJ. After that we headed back to Newberry.

Our first visit for the day was a lady named Andrea. She had no filter it was so funny, she kept telling me about how much she loved my hair. After that we had some lunch with these one kids and taught them a lesson. Then we got to have a lesson with Brandon. He's pretty much already down to get baptized so he might turn out to be my first dunk


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