Haircuts and Talks 💇‍♂️

Yo yo yo what's up?

This week has been a pretty eventful week as always, so let's get into it!

Most of this week was a bunch of door knocking and it was pretty disappointing because almost no one answered. The people who did answer would just tell us they weren't interested. There was this one street that we went on though that for some reason the people were really receptive. We gave out like 3 book of mormons and it was awesome.

The members here are so cool. We eat like kings every day and the food is so good. Something else thats nice is that they are all so willing to help us out. One of the members even gave us a much needed haircut.

I had the opportunity to give a talk this Sunday, I didn't have much time though so I had to teach by the spirit. I was really nervous going into it but it actually went pretty well. I talked about president Nelson's most recent talk "peacemakers needed" deffinitely listen to that one if you haven't yet.

Hope yalls first week of school was amazing!
Elder Pixton

-Sister Andrew's giving me a cut
-lizard man

Here's da photo album for some more pics


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