Back from camping (Dad) Aug 9 2023

 Hey Elder Pixton, you are probably going to bed soon, so you may not get this tonight, but just wanted to drop you a quick line. It was great to talk to you on Monday. You seem like you have a great companion and I have been hoping for that for a long time. Hope you learn a lot from him. 

How is the area going? Your PMG app calendar looks packed( i took a peek), but what is 'Kings Feast'? is that like a lunch place or something? Made me smile. 

Anyways, camping was cold. You wouldn't think it would be in August, but we were pretty cold; especially at night. Eden and Logan both slept in their coats. We mostly hiked and hung out in the hammocks. <Not quite so high up in the trees as years past :) > We made a big fire last night that freaked out your mom; so mission accomplished!

We have the dedication of the temple on Sunday so that will be exciting. I don't know if I told you or not, but I did get tickets for me and your mom to go to the dedication at the temple; so that is exciting. 

I sent off an amazon package your way; said it will get to your place on Friday so you may want to keep an eye out for it.

Well, I hope your apartment is cleaner than when you first arrived. I remember walking into my first apartment and being pretty shocked. Mine wasn't dirty, but everything was DI rejects so kinda shocking to me.

Love always,


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