Bird smoothie 🦅

This week has been craaazy, from airplanes to birds to both of them combined its been a wild ride.

We woke up at 330 for our flight on thrusday. Our plane was in the air for like 5 minutes and then the pilot got on the speaker and was like so we just hit a bird so we're gonna have to turn around. It turns out the thing flew into our engine. Our flight ended up getting canceled so they changed it to Friday.

Now I'm in Florida and let me tell yall, it is so so humid. I walked out of that airport and it felt like I walked into a brick wall.

My companion is awesome, his name is Elder Clukey and he's from Canada so that's pretty cool.

Our area is pretty low income I was kind of surprised when I found out that everyone lives in trailers. It's humbling to see the conditions that some people have to live in. The people are all so nice though. I haven't even had anyone close the door on me yet. Everyone is so willing to hear about the gospel.

Scripture of the week:
Look unto me in every thought doubt not fear not. Doctrine and covenants 6:36
I really like this scripture right now, as a missionary I definitely am looking unto Him in every thought.

Feel free to reach out, I would love to hear from ya'll!
Elder Pixton

Here's da photo album for some more pics

- Bertha
- dinner with brother McGrew
- Elder Clukey and I
- konked out after the long plane ride


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