You made it!- From Mom Aug 6 2023

 Hey William,

Just thought I should write you so you have an email from me to open on p-day. 

I spent all week last week at girls camp as you know and it was a wonderful experience.  One of the things that I kept thinking about all week as we did the different activities was that Heavenly Father wants us to have joy.  As I got to spend the week in one of my favorite places full of beautiful landscapes with trees and wildflowers,I found joy.  We got to soak each other with aqua zookas while paddling around on the lake and we laughed into the late hours playing games and telling stories with the stake presidency.  We got to do the challenge coarse and throw tomahawks.  We got to hike and sing together in the trees.  And with every one of these experiences there was a reflection where we talked about how the various activities related to our lives and the gospel.  We had fun together and we felt the Spirit strongly together.  It was just a testament to me that Heavenly Father wants us to have joy, to have fun, and to relate those things to the gospel as all things testify of Christ. It was a wonderful week. 

One thing that happened that was really cool
while we were there was while some of the other wards were hiking to the lake, a storm rolled in.  As it started to rain, we were told to stay in our cabins because the next part of the storm would bring 75 mph winds and hail.  We started to worry about the people who were down at the lake and eventually drove a few cars down to help bring them back to camp.  After they got back, they told us a story of how they got to the lake and the missionaries gave them hot chocolate while they waited to get a ride back to camp.  While they waited, someone told them that the big part of the storm diverted completely around Heber valley camp.  We still got rain, but not the wind and hail.  Heavenly Father protected His YW.  I felt like it was similar to your situation with traveling to Florida.  You definitely had a big adventure, but overall, Heavenly Father protected His missionaries. 

How is the new place?  How is your new companion?  Tell us about where you are and what it looks like.  Send us pictures!  We are excited to hear how your first few days in Florida have been.  Did you find someone to help you fix your pants?

Sure do love you!  Hope you have had a chance to rest a bit since your crazy travel.  At least hope you’ve been able to sleep well.  Have a wonderful day! 

Love you lots!



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