In the springs (Dad) Aug 5 2023

 Hey Elder Pixton!

I hope this email finds you well after (what I hope) was a great first day in your area. So awesome to think of you out there doing the Lord's work. We've checked on your luggage tags a few times and it looks like you are in an area with lots of springs and water. Not sure if you have a dry spot in your mission.

I'm sure you've had a long few days and I hope that you find the 'Lord's Rest'. I think the Lord blesses us to recover quickly when we are in his service and hopefully you've seen that, but it is all new to you so, that might not be on the forefront of your mind.

This week in come follow me, we've been reading about Paul's journey to Rome to preach to those people and about how he was shipwrecked and stuck on an island for a few months. Made me think of you a little bit; being stuck in the MTC for an extra day and probably feeling like you live in the airport. So call that you did some contacting in the airport. cool to think about you sharing the gospel and those people going all over the world. 

Anyways, so excited to hear about your first day and to hear about your area and your ward(s) and trainer. Hopefully you have someone obidenant. Don't be afraid to call him out if he isn't being obedient. Sometimes mission presidents will send strong new missionaries to trainers that need a wake-up call and a reminder of their call and responsibility. Sometimes we all need to have someone with that spark and faith to push us.

Lots of love, hope you have a comfy bed; not that you'll be in it much.


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