Are you alive? (Dad) Aug 27 2023

 I thought after you sent me the picture of your dinner last night that you might be dead; because I imagine that is what heaven would look like :).  So I assume that you are onto the next life. 

Seriously, though, hopefully you liked them and hopefully you come back with some good crab cooking skills that you can share with me.

Anyways, hopefully your week has been good. I saw your picture come through the mission's facebook page. I assume that meant that you have interviews with the mission president. Hope it went well. Always good to visit with a priesthood leader.

This week has been kinda busy. we got the last of the bottom stones into the hill; at least the last for this year. I ordered more stones to come so we will be stacking those when we get here. I'll be missing you a ton (like literally, those are like 50lbs stones and we got 50 of them coming). 
Logan had his ballroom party and mom took team pictures for it. She also did Senior pictures for the seniors on ballroom. There are like 12 of them. Logan has been growing, he is getting taller everyday and Cohen is starting to have BO smell. Not a lot, but it is starting.... 

Hope that your teaching is going well and that you are working by the Spirit. Impossible to do the Lord's work in the way he wants it done unless you follow the spirit. Sometimes I think 'working hard' will make up for the lack of Spirit I have, but it doesn't work that way. 

Lots of love and so excited to get to talk to you soon.


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