
Showing posts from January, 2024

its 80° over here 😎

howdy yall sorry this email is a bit of a long one, weve had a pretty good last two weeks and weve seen a bunch of miricles Brian O'Brian from O'Brian on wensday last week we had a lesson with one of our friends named Brian. funny story about when we found him: he just lives alone in the middle of the forest in O'Brian. when we were driving by his house it didnt look like anyone had lived there for years. there were vines and all sorts of plants growing on his house. we decided we might as well knock on his door though. we went around back to his back door(no one really uses their front doors out here) and we saw the man himself just chopping some wood. He walked up to us and introduced himself as Brian O'Brian from O'Brian. last week we were talking to him a bit about his last name, we were like, did you just move here because your last name is O'Brian? he then explained to us that his last name isnt actually O'Brian and that he was just fooling around with

2024-1-29 Family Email

tuesday i woke up, jumproped a ton, made some eggs, ate them, showered, studied, then we went off into the wilderness. this morning we helped at the food bank again and it was crazy. we got a whole truckload full of produce today. Elder Larkin and I did the oranges and greens. we were giving every car a whole box of oranges because we had so many to get rid of. by the time we were done it was 2, and I had a severe rumbly in my tumbly. for lunch I had an apple, chips and salsa, and a quesidilla. after that we had a bunch of visits to squeeze in before dark. there was this one lady and her daughter that we taught and her daughter had an absolutely minuscule baby (i mean all babies are miniature). it was a supes good lesson tho, the spirit deffinitely backed us up, and we invited them to pray about in missionary work. shes sad because so many of the people shes trying to help just arent listening. we had a good conversation though. then we just went home, i played the piano and worked on


 hey mom. for your picture if you could possibly get a picture of you and a squirrel that would be amazing (holding the squirrel if possible). maybe you could photoshop a squirrel in or something like that .Not going to hold one, but I can maybe photoshop it

2024-1-22 Family Email

tuesday i think I've just made a big decision. ive decided im not going to grow my hair out again when I get back. its literally so nice having short hair and not always having it it my face. the aliens are here we were just barely at dinner with sister newman and we sit on her front porch because we cant go inside because theres no other adult males that live there. anyways we were sitting there and we see 3 cop cars zoom past at light speed so i was like duuude the aliens are here!!! we counted a total of 13 cop cars and 2 SWAT vans. so yeah. aliens. today was quite the jocular day, ive just been in a good mood all day. we handed out a book of mormon, and sister newman helped us find 2 people. we have a lesson with one of them tomorrow ️ wensday today i constructed a smoothie with some spinich in it and it was kinda gross i shoulda put something sweet in it. for my workout I decided id up the anti and hit the big 140 pushups. at DC Elder Larkin and I gave a looong training on s


  hey mom. I need a few pictures of yall for a project I'm working on... you can get creative with a few of these Cohen - a picture of him being a scientist, maybe with a lab coat on mixing viles and stuff. just make him look like a mad scientist lol Logan - a picture of him dancing on stage(preferably wearing red or with red in the backround, and only him in the frame) Eden - a picture of her studying with notes and books and papers all over the table (you can just take a pic of her doing her homework or something) You - a picture of you exploring somewhere in the forest Dad - a picture of dad doing something he likes you don't have to take new pictures for these if you already have them love yall, hope you have a great week  Glad you asked me today, the boys are both dancing at DWTS tonight. Hopefully we’ll get some red while Logan is on stage . Now I am curious what you are up to . Sounds like fun. Love Mom Oh, you don’t have to respond today, but do you want physical copie

Email from Mom

  Hey William, Just had a couple thoughts to share after reading your emails.  One scripture that caught my attention this week with our Come Follow me study was 1 Nephi 8:33-34  When Lehi talks about the people in the large and spacious building pointing their fingers and mocking them, but they  heeded them not.   Then in the next verse it says: For as many as heeded them had fallen away.  It just made me think of all the lies that Satan tells and how we need to heed them not.  There are more and more people that we know and love that are leaving the church and I think that is why this scripture hit me today.  Here is a  great talk from Elder Bednar  about Heeding them not.   I love that scripture you shared, Jacob 7:5.  It made me think about the dream I had the other night.  I had a pretty vivid dream with Grandpa Great in it.  We were at Grandma's house just visiting in the kitchen and he just walked in and started talking.  I can't remember what he said, but I remember tha

we put Rene on baptisim date! 🙌

okay so the title isnt entitely true... it was more like Sister Newman put her on date for us- but hey, it still counts Rene(pronounced renay) was taught a bunch by missionaries in the past. she was progressing really fast, but then she disappeared for five months. well, last week Sister Newman got in contact with her and invited her to come to church! at church we found out that shes been super busy lately but still wants to be baptized. we had a lesson with her and Sister Newman on Saturday. near the end Sister Newman was like so can we set a date for you to be baptized? and she said yes! if all goes well were hoping to baptize her on February 10th(my dads birthday) I got to go on a tradeoff with Elder Bolander and guess what??? hes also from eagle mountain we both went to Cedar Valley, but I never met him cause theres a ton of people at that school. we also got transfer calls this week and it turns out im staying in Branford for annother 6 weeks this week we got to help our friend

Mon Jan 15 2024 Family Email

tuesday alright alright alright, its a new week. here we go. all night last night as we were visiting people they were all telling us about how there was a big storm coming today. so we woke up and decided to get some finding done earlier so were not out knocking doors out in the windy rain. wain if you will. the only thing i remeber about finding this morning was someone walked out of their house before we even got to their house and yelled "dont even think about walking through my gate" then went back inside. like bruh. just dont answer the door. after that the wind started picking up so we had lunch and then zoomed to the church to wait out the storm and do phone contacts. the storm was actualy pretty mid. i got all excited i was like dude theres gonna be a ton of lightning and rain and its gonna be sick. but it wasnt even comparable to a normal storm in utah. floridians are weeeak. so then we just went around visiting members, we drove through some pretty big puddles so t


Not sure why I forgot to watch your piano videos sooner, but I just did, and I am loving that pirates song. Way to go! I’ll probably put it on repeat while I edit pictures today . Hope you have a great day!Love you! Mom I'm glad you like it karston just shot me a message on messenger asking how the mission is going. you should tell him that I'll respond on Monday. he's probably pretty confused on why im not responding lol also. lemme know if that piano guy emails back about the Starwars song. I can pay for it if you need to buy it William The guy never responded. Do you want me to look for a different song or a different version? Mom I have an idea. yall should look at a bunch of piano songs from that guy as a family and decide wich one I should play William I love that idea! Mom

2024-1-8 Family Email

I got a list of youth songs you guys should send me. also i want to learn a new song on the piano, could you send me some sheet music. ill tell you which song when we call tuesday today was tradeoff dayyy okay heres what ive been up to today: Elder Gawrych and I knocked on a bunch of doors and tried to get in contact with a bunch of people, but only 2 of them answered the door. we had a really good conversation with one of them though so that was awesome. there was this one neighborhood that we heard gunshots in, so we got outta there pretty fast. tonight we had a book of mormon study class that we taught and that went pretty well. we basically just read through the intro to the BOM and the testimonies of the whitness. dinner was a frozen pizza... i definitely dont miss eating pizza all the time. wensday i woke up this morning and worked out. for breakfast i found some eggs and orange juice in fridge and guess what??? it was the best kind of orange juice... the kind with a ton of pulp