2024-1-29 Family Email

i woke up, jumproped a ton, made some eggs, ate them, showered, studied, then we went off into the wilderness. this morning we helped at the food bank again and it was crazy. we got a whole truckload full of produce today. Elder Larkin and I did the oranges and greens. we were giving every car a whole box of oranges because we had so many to get rid of. by the time we were done it was 2, and I had a severe rumbly in my tumbly. for lunch I had an apple, chips and salsa, and a quesidilla. after that we had a bunch of visits to squeeze in before dark. there was this one lady and her daughter that we taught and her daughter had an absolutely minuscule baby (i mean all babies are miniature). it was a supes good lesson tho, the spirit deffinitely backed us up, and we invited them to pray about in missionary work. shes sad because so many of the people shes trying to help just arent listening. we had a good conversation though. then we just went home, i played the piano and worked on the puzzle a bit, and went to bed

it was like 80 degrees all day, that was weird. today we had zistrict zouncil once again. it was hype. theres some new people in our district now so it was fun to meet them. one of them is Elder Crump and he was just with Elder Clukey so I talked with him about all the recent Clukey lore. we had to zoom outta district council because we had an appointment right after, but we knocked on her door and she didnt answer. what a nerd so we just had lunch instead. I spent all of lunch looking through the how to train your dragon song, and its a beast of a song. like dude. theres 3 key changes. its gonna take me the rest of my mission to learn it lol. im so hyped. after lunch we had a member participating lesson with our friend tammy and she commited to watch church on zoom so thats epic. for dinner the member feeding us dropped off a whole boatload of food at the church for us. we got a whole lasagna, a ton of little debbie cakes, a bunch of soda bottles (larkin and I dont really drink soda ), a salad, and some home made banana muffins. it was gas. youth activity tonight was vollyball so that was a party, then we went home and I worked on my song untill bed

ive officaly been out for 200 days to start the day off we had a lesson with someone and I blundered and offered to give them a book of mormon when we ran out the other day... so we just had to give them the app. today during weekly planning Larkin and I had a bit of a disagreement. its kinda funny because neither of us really get mad so we just reason back and forth at eachother untill we figure something out. we figured it out tho and now its chill. today we had a few solid discussions with people. this one dude decided not to put a shirt on so that was awkward. the members who took us out today were super cool. he was an entrepreneur and he owned a bunch of business and real estste before he retired. he was like real estate is the name of the game. he also bamboozled us and made us order desert after that, we went to Alex's house and talked about the Joseph smith movie, and guess what?? he said he'll come to church on sunday. we had a call with our zone, I worked out and then konked out.

breakfast today was a smoOthie, then we went to go help Johnnie. People have still been stealing his tile so he told us to movie onto his porch to a more defensible position. hes got cameras up there so hopefully he'll be able to spot them better. it took us 2 hours to move all the tile and by the time we were done I was pooped. but then we started hearing some poping noises coming from the house so we ran around to check it out. the floor of the porch where he told us to put the tile wasnt actually supported by anything from underneath. so when we stacked up like a bajillion pounds of tile on that part of the porch, it collapsed. we hurried and put some cinder blocks and wood underneath so it wouldent go any further, but he'll probably have to replace that whole part of the porch. the good news is that we pretty much set a trap for anyone who tries to steal mor tile. if anyone walks on that porch they'll probably fall right through. after that we had lunch and then visited less actives all day. i blundered and stepped in some dog poop so that was lame we got to visit Justin today and he showed us his Volkswagen beettle that hes had for forever. bro his car is siiick. for dinner we went to the o'stiens and they made us ribs they were so good. we also had a good lesson with them afterwards. we had a new idea of having members invite their friends to do church tours with us so we invited them to do that. when we got to the car after that, a bird left us a little poop present on our windsheild so we had to clean that off. then we just studied, went home, I worked out and we went to bed

this morning we helped clean the church and I broke one of the vacuums one of the members tried to take us out for lunch after that but theres literary only 3 places to eat in branford and we go all the time so she just ended up giving us money. but guess what. we were doing some finding today, and while we were walkin on the dirt road we spotted a rattle snak. it was crazy. we had dinner with a super cool member family. there was a dude my age there!!! i think thats the first time ive met someone my age other than other missionaries during my whole mission. everyone I know is old lol. after

today was church day, and no one showed up to church well at least none of the people we invited did but thats ok. we had some pretty soild lessons today though. we had one with alex and this member named Dylin who is such a homie. we talked about personal revelation and all that jazz


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