2024-1-22 Family Email

i think I've just made a big decision. ive decided im not going to grow my hair out again when I get back. its literally so nice having short hair and not always having it it my face.

the aliens are here we were just barely at dinner with sister newman and we sit on her front porch because we cant go inside because theres no other adult males that live there. anyways we were sitting there and we see 3 cop cars zoom past at light speed so i was like duuude the aliens are here!!! we counted a total of 13 cop cars and 2 SWAT vans. so yeah. aliens.

today was quite the jocular day, ive just been in a good mood all day. we handed out a book of mormon, and sister newman helped us find 2 people. we have a lesson with one of them tomorrow

today i constructed a smoothie with some spinich in it and it was kinda gross i shoulda put something sweet in it. for my workout I decided id up the anti and hit the big 140 pushups. at DC Elder Larkin and I gave a looong training on setting goals. we were planning on only doing 10 mins and but as we got up there Elder Gawrych was like you guys can take 20 mins. it was spectacular. then we took a district pic, I had the gonzo people sign my transfer Journal, then we went to Chick-fil-A because a member gave us a gift card. did you know you can get a frosted strawberry lemmonade its not on the menu but you can ask for it and its gaaassss. we visited this one guy today whos pretty golden. the only issue is that he needs a large print BOM so we are in the process aquiring one. youth night tonight... well we showed up at the chuch and all the lights were off so we were a little confused then we walked in the gym and immediately got bombarded by nerf bullets. I got so excited. I looove nerf guns. obviously we had to join in, the battle was exceedingly sore. countless bullets were lost, but in the end we were victorious. after that we went home, then I sit the hack

idk today was purdy meh... excepppttt, we got to teach an awesome lesson. theres this one dude named Andru who sent in a referral and it turns out he was actualy intrested in learning about us. we ended up teaching the whole restoration and we gave him a book of mormon. he said that he might even come to church other than that though we didnt do a whole lot. we weekly planned, did some finding. you know, same old same old.

i woke up this morning and ive been working on a little bit of uh, thing for yall...

today we helped Johnnie set up some cameras in his yard. his neighbors have been coming into his yard and steeling his tlie and theve stolen $70,000 worth of tile so far. i felt like a detective or something, we were hiding cameras in trees, bushes, all over the place. we even found a break in the fence where they have been taking the tile out of his yard. for lunch Junior came up to visit me!!! we talked all about Elder Clark and Clukey and Chiefland and all that stuff. Junior is planning on moving to texas soon to be with his grandson. his daughter isnt a very good mom so his grandson will probably move in with him. after lunch it was a super nice day outside today so we just did a whole bunch of finding. we found 2 people!! this one guy we talked to for like an hour about conspiracy theories. he was like did you know they faked the moon landing and the earth is flat?? and we were like yeah dude thats old news. did you know Christ came to America?? it was fire.

this morning we went to go help a lady with her house that shes been fixing up. we helped her hang cabnets, sweep the floor, build Ikea bed frames, all sorts of stuff. after that we had lunch and we went to a funeral. they didnt have anyone to play the hymns so I played the organ... not really, it was one of those that payed itself so I just sat there and pushed a button Then we visited this one member who is actually super cool. id never met her before but shes this widowed grandma that lives by herself on a huge pach of land. Shes got 2 horses and 2 dogs that are so big they probably could be horses lol. we had a long talk with her about a bunch of her friends that she was hoping she could get to meet with us. shes really blunt and talks about the church with everyone so shes got a lot of referals she could give us. then we went to go give this one guy a white shirt and tie. he said he wanted to come to church but he didnt have clothes for it. so we found him a white shirt and tie but we got him the wrong size shirt after we got outta there I had to pee soooo bad so I just went on the side of the road. for dinner I made chicken and rice with some slap yo mama seasoning and lemme tell you. my mama was slapped

okiday, I think I figured out the best sweetener to put in a smoothie... its honey.


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