Mon Jan 15 2024 Family Email

alright alright alright, its a new week. here we go.
all night last night as we were visiting people they were all telling us about how there was a big storm coming today. so we woke up and decided to get some finding done earlier so were not out knocking doors out in the windy rain. wain if you will. the only thing i remeber about finding this morning was someone walked out of their house before we even got to their house and yelled "dont even think about walking through my gate" then went back inside. like bruh. just dont answer the door. after that the wind started picking up so we had lunch and then zoomed to the church to wait out the storm and do phone contacts. the storm was actualy pretty mid. i got all excited i was like dude theres gonna be a ton of lightning and rain and its gonna be sick. but it wasnt even comparable to a normal storm in utah. floridians are weeeak. so then we just went around visiting members, we drove through some pretty big puddles so that was cool. oh yeah we also had president interveiws so we got to talk to president Elbert and his wife for a minute. we had dinner at the newmans and Conner (hes like a 13 year old kid) brought out his rubiks cube and solved it in like 90 seconds. it was crazy. my mind was blown

today I worked out, had a smoothie and read saints for p study, then we sped off to district council. at district counsil there was a training on member work, and a teaching about being dilligent. afterwords when everyone was just talking we snuck out and put a bunch of our extra junk food on everyone elses cars, and zoomed away. today we had a lesson with our man Larry and dude his kids are so funny. he has a 4 and a 5 year old and the whole time we were teaching they were outside riding around on their fourwheeler. dude ive never even been on a fourwheeler and these kids are younger than Cohen after that we played bingo at youth night. it was pretty meh but I got to talk to Conner about piano for awhile though.

we went to the church to plan our week out. nothing really that exciting happened. for lunch we had subway, i played the piano a bit then we went back to finish planning our week. we decided that this week were gonna work on reactivating a bunch of members, so we made a big list of ones we wanted to vist.

oh my gorsh im just got so excited. we walked into this one less active members house and he had like legit all of Brandon Sandersons books. i was like wait you read Brandon Sanderson??? after that we pretty much just talked about books for a whole hour. it made me soo happy.

after that we had a banger lesson with Alex. he goes to a diffrent church rn so we've been talking a lot about the diffrences between our church and other churches. when we got home I went on a cleaning rampage and vacumed the house, did my laundry, and cleaned the bathroom. then I worked out because I didnt this morning and went to bed

we talked to this one guy today who was super elect. he legit invited himself to church on sunday. he was like so what time does your guy's church start, we told him the time and he was like sweet ill be there.

holy moly Sister Newman is so clutch, shes literally doing our job for us. she set up a lesson with us and one of her friends from the gym. her friend had been taught by missionaries in the past but wasnt quite ready to be baptized. she had a lot of awesome questions and she already has a strong testimony of the book of mormon and joseph smith. so at the end of the lesson sister newman popped the question of if we could set a date for her to be baptized. she said yes!!! we put her on date for February 10th(happy birthday dad) also a guy finaly came by today to fix the leak in the backyard. for the whole transfer weve had a broken pipe that just infinitely sprays into the sky. like it never stops and our landlord wouldent do anythint about it for some reason. hopefully we'll have good water preasure now. today we had a lesson with stephanie and we pretty much just talked about how were going to get her into the baptisimal font. she is stuck in a wheelchair so we've talked about a bunch of diffrent options. hopefully we'll figure something out. for the rest of the lesson we just talked about come follow me.

today was ward confrence and a bunch of people came to church! Alex came and he felt the spirit really strongly so hopefully he comes again next week. today we had 3 fire lessons all in a row. for the first one we went to this lady that we found while knocking doors the other day. she seemed pretty intrested but we havent been able to get in contact with her again untill now. today she invited us into her house when we showed up! in my book of mormon I put a bunch of common questions people have about life like why are we here? what happens after we die? stuff like that. then I have a bunch of scriptures in the book of mormon that answer those questions. she picked the what happens after we die one because she recently had one of her relatives pass away. She really liked it and we ended up giving her a book of mormon! after that we booked it to a dinner we had planned. we hadent really met the people yet, we knocked on their door awhile ago and they said that they do a big family dinner thing every sunday and that we could come. so we had no idea what we were walking into. turns out theyre a super cool fam, they go dog hunting all the time and they told us all about that. we talked about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and all that stuff. annnnd there was the cutest baby. like the baby didnt even cry, he was being all happy and smiley the whole time. after we got outta there we ran(well drove) to Alex's house and on the way we got transfer calls.... were both staying!! im actually pretty excited. i mean Elder Larkin and I have definitely had a lot of disagreements, but were working things out. hes definitely been my hardest companion but ive also learned the most from him. the lesson with alex was cracked as always. when we talked to him at church we told him to start from the begining of the book of mormon. when we got to his house he told us he was already in 2 nephi 8 hes like the only one who will actually read. we talked a bunch about adam and eve and agency becsuse he read 2 nephi 2. then we zoomed home and )


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