its 80° over here 😎

howdy yall
sorry this email is a bit of a long one, weve had a pretty good last two weeks and weve seen a bunch of miricles

Brian O'Brian from O'Brian
on wensday last week we had a lesson with one of our friends named Brian. funny story about when we found him: he just lives alone in the middle of the forest in O'Brian. when we were driving by his house it didnt look like anyone had lived there for years. there were vines and all sorts of plants growing on his house. we decided we might as well knock on his door though. we went around back to his back door(no one really uses their front doors out here) and we saw the man himself just chopping some wood. He walked up to us and introduced himself as Brian O'Brian from O'Brian. last week we were talking to him a bit about his last name, we were like, did you just move here because your last name is O'Brian? he then explained to us that his last name isnt actually O'Brian and that he was just fooling around with us. the funny thing is that he let us call him Brian O'Brian for 3 weeks before he told us anyways, last week we taught Brian the restoration, and we offered him a Book of Mormon. he took one look at that thing and was like, "do yall think an old man like me can read those tiny letters?" so we went on a quest to find a large print Book of Mormon to give the man. sadly large print BOM's are a rare commodity. we asked our whole zone if any of them had any, but they were all out. so we decided to say a prayer that wed be able find him a large print BOM. almost as soon as we closed the prayer Sister Newman called us and we told her about our predicament. she then ordered us one right then and there. it was just super cool to see an answer to one of our prayers come that fast.

tile thieves
we have a friend named Johnnie and he has got a tile problem. he has about 15 pallets of tile stacked in his yard that he has been using to help build homes for people in wheelchairs(Johnnie has no legs). his neighbors however have been coming by in the middle of the night and steeling his tile. so far they've stolen about 70,000 dollars worth of tile. so last week when we came over we installed a bunch of hidden cameras in trees around the tile to try and catch the bad guys. i felt like a secret angent or something hiding all those cameras around his yard. when we put cameras up there however they started steeling from the other stacks of tile that we were using to put a floor on his porch. so he had us move those stacks of tile onto is proch to a more defensible position. something about tile though is that its exceedingly heavy. it took us 2 hours to get it up there, but eventually we did. while we were having a water break we started to hear some popping noises coming from the house. we turned around to see that the part of his proch where we put his tile was collapsing. we hurried and put some cinder blocks underneath to stop it from going further, but the damage was done. the good news is that now its impossible for them to steal his tile without being seen by a camera

spiritual thought
I think ive already shared this scripture before but I think its appropriate for the situation: Helaman 5:12 "And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." just like Johnnies porch, if we dont have a firm foundation on christ, when the devil sends forth his mighty "tile" it will drag us down to the gulf of misery and endless wo. so, make sure you have a firm foundation

hope you all have a great week!

Elder Pixton

-the district
-snake man
-un-firm foundation 



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