2024-1-8 Family Email

I got a list of youth songs you guys should send me. also i want to learn a new song on the piano, could you send me some sheet music. ill tell you which song when we call

today was tradeoff dayyy
okay heres what ive been up to today:
Elder Gawrych and I knocked on a bunch of doors and tried to get in contact with a bunch of people, but only 2 of them answered the door. we had a really good conversation with one of them though so that was awesome. there was this one neighborhood that we heard gunshots in, so we got outta there pretty fast. tonight we had a book of mormon study class that we taught and that went pretty well. we basically just read through the intro to the BOM and the testimonies of the whitness. dinner was a frozen pizza... i definitely dont miss eating pizza all the time.

i woke up this morning and worked out. for breakfast i found some eggs and orange juice in fridge and guess what??? it was the best kind of orange juice... the kind with a ton of pulp today was district council and right after that i commenced a tradeoff with elder bolander. hes from eagle mountain to so ive been telling him about all the drama from cv since he left. today was actually a pretty successful day. we had two pretty solid lessons, this one lady we were talking to kept getting off topic and talking about a bunch of random stuff so we had to lead the conversation towards more gospel stuff. for dinner today I made kung pow chicken and it was gas. after that Elder Bolander and I played two games of magic. we are now 1-1

I woke up, worked out, showered, made a smoothie, studdied, then we drove to the dollar store to trade back. today is weekly planning day so its pretty chill. we had a watermellon thats been sitting on our counter for awhile that one of the members gave us. during lunch I noticed there was a puddle under the watermelon, so i picked it up. it immediately started spraying at me so we decided to take it outside and smash it. i should have taken a video of it, i didnt back up far enough so I was in the splash zone. dude the whole inside of the mellon was liquid. it was soo funny. thennnn I found a lizzard man under the piano. Elder larkin was in el banyo so I decided to slide him under the door. Elder Larkin came out and proceded to put him on my head. after lunch we just drove around and talked to a bunch of people. Elder Bolander gave me a bunch of music so I was just going through that today. he actually gave me some bangers so thats epic. there was this one chick who opened the door and was just no, just no. so we were like do you know if any of your neighbors might be intrested? and she was like well if you go that way hopefully you'll get shot. so we just told her to have a nice day and walked away

i arose, worked out, showered, made some french toast and bacon, studdied then we headed out to do some service for the non legged johnnie. we pretty much just spent 3 hours moving a boatload of tile off the trailer and into piles. dude tile is insanely heavy, it was a good workout though since were not allowed to have weights. when we finnished Johnnie gave us 2 huge boxes full of bags of chips. he has soo many chips. so now we gotta find people to give them out to before I eat them all. for the rest of the day we just drove around visiting peeps. our area is wayyy out in the boonies so it was just a bunch of driving. our last appointment of the day was crazy. we showed up at this guys house that we havent been able to get in contact with in many moons. he was sitting outside and then like 3 other people just showed up and bombarded us with questions. it was insane they didnt let us say anything

this morning went and helped build a stable for some horsen. we showed up and the guy was like are you good with wood, and we were like heck yeah. so he told us how he wanted it built, gave us some power tools, and diped. it was probably the best service project ive had so far. it was sooo fun. that took us the whole morning, for the rest of the day we had a bunch of lessons lined up, a few of them canceled but we had two pretty good ones. we had a super long lesson with our hommie Deryck. it went pretty well, but the man still wont read the book of mormon. he belives that only the bible is the word of God and that there cant be any other scripture. it was still a good lesson though, the spirit was deffinitely there


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