Email from Mom

 Hey William,

Just had a couple thoughts to share after reading your emails.  One scripture that caught my attention this week with our Come Follow me study was 1 Nephi 8:33-34  When Lehi talks about the people in the large and spacious building pointing their fingers and mocking them, but they heeded them not.  Then in the next verse it says: For as many as heeded them had fallen away.  It just made me think of all the lies that Satan tells and how we need to heed them not.  There are more and more people that we know and love that are leaving the church and I think that is why this scripture hit me today.  Here is a great talk from Elder Bednar about Heeding them not.  

I love that scripture you shared, Jacob 7:5.  It made me think about the dream I had the other night.  I had a pretty vivid dream with Grandpa Great in it.  We were at Grandma's house just visiting in the kitchen and he just walked in and started talking.  I can't remember what he said, but I remember that I was like, wait, Grandpa's dead, how is he here?  I think we have angels that we love with us all the time cheering us on and helping us everyday.  As I was in between being asleep and awake, I just had this thought like Grandpa was telling me "William's going to be great.  Don't worry, he's a fine young man."  Maybe it was my own thoughts after wishing I could spend more time in that dream with Grandpa, but I like to think it was him telling me that he's watching out for you and helping you.  
Love you bud!  Have a great day.


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