
Showing posts from October, 2023

Not intrested please leave 🫥

  Hey howdy hey!  This has been a fire week   we even put someone else on bap date!!  Funny story(kinda)  Theres this guy who we found a couple of weeks ago just by knocking on his door. He seemed pretty interested so we gave him a book of mormon. Ever since then when weve come back hes told us to come back later and that it wasnt a good time. So we kept coming back. The other day when we came back however we found a supprise on his door. He'd made a sign that said "dear Mormons, not intrested, please leave". We thought it was kinda funny that he went through the effort to make a sign for it  Baptisim incoming  So we were driving back from stake confrence when we get a call from one of our friends. Her husband is a member and weve been going by pretty frequently ever since we got to the area. She just had one hold up and that was coffee. When she called us she said "im ready" so we were like ready for what. Then she said that she was ready to be baptized!! She t


  Thanks for all the emails, they helped a lot. I was gonna put some more stuff in here about what happened but I figure I'll just tell you when I call later  It is Wesday my dudes Today we had district council wich was good. It was a pretty normal missionary day. We made some contacts, did some service, more of the same old same old.  After we got back from DC we went to the trunk or treat for the ward. One of the ward members had the genius idea for us to be the men in black. It was more like the men in grey though. Neither of us has black suits. After that we drove home and I found out that Elder Clark also loves Linkin Park and Green Day. We talked about that and played magic for the rest of the night  Thursday Also, Elder Clark has a bunch of normal music so thats cool. Last night he turned on wake me up when September Ends and I freaked out. I sung that song all the way home. Hes also got a bunch of songs by the killers and stuff like that. We literary have the same tase in m

BK got dunked 🌊

  Howdy yall! Annother fantastic week has come and gone in the FJM. Bk got baptized and I am officially out of training  New comp  Elder Clark is an absolute stud. Hes been out for 18 months now so hes got a lot of experience. We had a lesson with someone the other day and he pulled out a bunch of fire scriptures that worked really good for what we were talking about. Theres definitely a lot that I can learn from him. This next transfer is gonna be awesome  Tradeoff miricle  ️ This week I did a tradeoff with Elder Johnston and we found someone new! Elder Johnstons area some would consider is a bit slower. Theres a lot more people that are more wealthy so they are usaly less willing to hear about the gospel. We were walking down this one road though and we decided to go knock one more house and we ended up finding someone! Scripture of the week  Isaiah 54:10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant o

Howdy yall 🤠

  Thanks for the care package   The Character of Christ talk is so good. They played parts of it in one of the mtc devos but i couldent find it anywhere so im glad you sent it to me. Tuesdayyy We had to drive to the church today to study cause the peeps are still fixing our wall. After that we found a big wasp nest on the side of the church building and decided to throw some sticks at it. Ive never ran faster in my life, i shoulda took a video lol. After that we went and confirmed that the butt naked dude was in fact not dead. So thats good. Then we went home to find our window missing. I guess they had to take it off to replace the wall. On the upside, now we dont have to use the door anymore.  After lunch we knocked on this one guys door who really wanted to bash. After an hour of that we were like look dude we gotta go. Then we went to the andrews for some dinner. Wensday For service this morning we got to paint a ceiling. It was so fun, i love painting. It kinda reminded me of when

Solar Eclipse at the toadstools-From Mom

  Hey there, It was fun to watch you with the package we sent.  Hopefully it gave you a little taste of home without making you too homesick.  If I didn’t write it on the note, the lavender actually came from our yard, which is why I sent it.  I know it was a little weird to send you lavender, but I love flowers and I grew them, so that’s why you got lavender.  Also hope you liked all the other little things as well.   We stopped at the toadstools to watch the eclipse yesterday.  It was pretty cool.  We weren’t quite in totality but were about 95%.  The shadows were so cool and weird.  And you should have seen how excited everyone was when they first looked through their eclipse glasses.  It was super fun. We are in Phoenix for fall break.   Pretty weird to be here without you.  We played 5 crowns tonight though, and I’m sure you’re not sad to miss that at all.  I won though.  I had 11 points on like the 5th round and then I got 76 points in one round.  I still won with 89 points thoug


 Sooo I know it's not a pday but I forgot to ask you about this yesterday. I have a Playlist on my Amazon account called "instrumental" and it's got a bunch of piano songs on it. I don't really know if it's possible to download them, but if you're able to figure it out that would be great   you can probably pull up my Amazon account on the computer or something. If it dosent work it's fine tho. Here's the email I wrote for Arika.... yall can read it if you want lol Clukey just made a weird concoction with eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast. It was gross   for p study I read a bit of a john bytheway book that actualy a lot of good advice. It talked about dating and not worrying about things you cant control. For comp study we read a bit of the riccardi letter. The riccardi letter is just a bunch of stories about this one missionary in england who was really effective. For lunch i had some spicy ramen.  After that we wandered around in the heat bruisi

One week, two tradoffs 🤠

  Hey hey hey! This week as per usual has been way busy, we went on two tradeoffs and i even got to play the piano for zone conference  Blitz  After our dinner appointment friday evening we shoved our mattresses in the truck and headed out to highsprings to blitz their area. For those of you who arent missionaries, a blitz is where you have 2 sets of missionaries in the same area for the day. It was awesome, the next morning we went on a walk and saw like 100 dodge chargers(ill put the pic below). For the rest of the day I ended up doing some door knockin with Elder Potokar. There was this one guy who answered the door who was actualy a baptist preacher. We shared Ether 12:27 with him and he was like "theres actually some good stuff in that mormon bible of yours"  Tradeoff #2  I also got to go on a tradeoff with one of my zone leaders Elder Burning. Hes a great missionary and i learned a lot about being bold but not overbearing. He said you can be as bold as you want as long

General confrence 🎤💥

Hey yall From general confrence to finding 30 new people, this week has been packed with miricles  ️ Answered prayer  We have this one friend whos a member who is just an awesome dude. Hes a bit older and he takes us out to dinner all the time. Hes been going through a rough time because most his family moved away so hes pretty lonely. Weve been telling him that he should go on a senior mission for awhile but he wasnt so sure about it at first. Then he heard Elder Rasbands talk in general confrence so he was like i guess the Lord wants me to go So usally we only find like 3 new people each week, 5 if were lucky. But this week we found 30 and that was a huge blessing. It was really cool to see how God puts people in our path so we can teach them We went to ceder key today so this email is a bit shorter. But i hope you guys are doing great! Elder Pixton -lunch by the ocean! -crab guy -bigger crab guy