
 Sooo I know it's not a pday but I forgot to ask you about this yesterday. I have a Playlist on my Amazon account called "instrumental" and it's got a bunch of piano songs on it. I don't really know if it's possible to download them, but if you're able to figure it out that would be great 😁 you can probably pull up my Amazon account on the computer or something. If it dosent work it's fine tho.

Here's the email I wrote for Arika.... yall can read it if you want lol

Clukey just made a weird concoction with eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast. It was gross 😝 for p study I read a bit of a john bytheway book that actualy a lot of good advice. It talked about dating and not worrying about things you cant control. For comp study we read a bit of the riccardi letter. The riccardi letter is just a bunch of stories about this one missionary in england who was really effective. For lunch i had some spicy ramen. 

After that we wandered around in the heat bruising our knuckles on some doors. We found 2 people. For dinner, well we didnt really have dinner, but we had a lesson with this family with some pretty cute kids. The kids kept sitting on our lap though and thats not really allowed 🫠 then we went over to the andrews so we could vacuum the car out before they inspect it tommorow at zone conference.

At district counsil Elder Clukey and I shared how we found 30 people last week and President complemented us for like 20 minutes. Afrer that we had president interveiws and he was like you need to shave. I literally shaved yesterday morning, i guess ill start shaving every day now. After that we commenced a tradeoff with the zone leaders. Im with Elder burning this time and hes an absolute unit. The dude is like twice my size. It was really cool seeing his teaching style though. I can definitely learn a lot from him. 

Something I learned from Elder Burning is how to be bold. He said that "you can be as bold as you want as long as you do it out of love" 

We started out the day with some jump roping then I ate some cellary, we studied, and i read a bit of my book. Then we embarked into the service of our God. We spent an hour burning some branches for this one lady. Elder burning is a big fan of burning(pun intended) then we taught a fire lesson(pun once again intended). Following that we zoomed home, we showered, I made a quesidilla, and we forgot to call someone we were gonna call 🤦‍♂️ Then we had a couple more lessons and returned to our normal comps. For dinner I made some killer fried rice. Then we hastily began our slumber. 

 we started out the day with a loooong lesson with this one old lady. She pretty much talked for the whole hour we were there. It was good tho. Then we had lunch, taught a lesson with bk, weekly planned and packed up our stuff to head to high springs to blitz their area tomorrow. (Where you do a tradeoff but you have all 4 missionaries in the same area) We even fit our mattresses in the truck 😎 we had dinner with this one couple and the dude is such a gamer. He taught me how to crack a whip, and he helped us find a bunch of loop holes in the standards. He was like well you're not allowed to be on a boat... unless its a commercial boat and you are teaching a lesson. Annnnd you're allowed to go fishing on pdays. So if you guys wanted to teach a lesson on my boat on a pday with a fishing rod in your had.... were not gonna take him up on the offer but it was pretty funny. after dinner it was like 8 so we hurried our butts over to highsprings. Dude driving at night is such a vibe, we had the music all the way up the whole time. 

Blitzing an area is actually so fun. Last night was a party. This morning we went on a walk an saw an insane amount of dodge chargers. Then we found bambi and his mom trapped in a reservoir, but they got out. Then we went to hand out concessions at a soccer tournament. Some of those soccer moms take the game wayy to seriosly. After that Elder Potokar and I did some good ol' fasioned door knockin'. It was epic. By the end of the day we had doubled their teaching pool. We did run into some pretty angry people. There was this one who had a no soliciting sign who was like "let me stop you right there, what does that sign say" we were just like we're not soliciting then she slammed the door on us. I wanted to be like "soliciters?!? where?? Ill let you know when I see one" but i held my tounge. 


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