Solar Eclipse at the toadstools-From Mom

 Hey there,

It was fun to watch you with the package we sent.  Hopefully it gave you a little taste of home without making you too homesick.  If I didn’t write it on the note, the lavender actually came from our yard, which is why I sent it.  I know it was a little weird to send you lavender, but I love flowers and I grew them, so that’s why you got lavender. 

Also hope you liked all the other little things as well.  

We stopped at the toadstools to watch the eclipse yesterday.  It was pretty cool.  We weren’t quite in totality but were about 95%.  The shadows were so cool and weird.  And you should have seen how excited everyone was when they first looked through their eclipse glasses.  It was super fun.

We are in Phoenix for fall break.   Pretty weird to be here without you.  We played 5 crowns tonight though, and I’m sure you’re not sad to miss that at all.  I won though.  I had 11 points on like the 5th round and then I got 76 points in one round.  I still won with 89 points though, so that was fun.  

It’s supposed to be 103 here tomorrow.  Makes
me wish we were back in the crisp cool weather in utah, but we’ll be back soon I guess.  

I’ve been studying president Nelson’s talk this week.  I really love all of the talk and I feel like it’s one that is going to need more study than I have already given it.  I really love the thought of prayer being a living discussion with our Heavenly Father.  It’s cool how President Nelson gave us a little insight into how a prophet studies and prays.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from his talk:

“The Lord was teaching Joseph to think celestial and to envision an eternal reward rather than focus on the excruciating difficulties of the day. Our prayers can be—and should be—living discussions with our Heavenly Father.”  

I think it’s cool to think about what a living discussion with Heavenly Father looks like for a prophet.  I would love to make my prayers more like his.  

“Mortality is a master class in learning to choose the things of greatest eternal import”

As you focus on thinking celestial, expect to encounter opposition. Decades ago, a professional colleague criticized me for having “too much temple” in me, and more than one supervisor penalized me because of my faith. I am convinced, however, that thinking celestial enhanced my career.

As you think celestial, you will find yourself avoiding anything that robs you of your agency.  

Any addiction—be it gaming, gambling, debt, drugs, alcohol, anger, pornography, sex, or even food—offends God. Why? Because your obsession becomes your god. You look to it rather than to Him for solace. If you struggle with an addiction, seek the spiritual and professional help you need. Please do not let an obsession rob you of your freedom to follow God’s fabulous plan.

There is no end to the adversary’s deceptions. Please be prepared. Never take counsel from those who do not believe. Seek guidance from voices you can trust—from prophets, seers, and revelators and from the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, who “will show unto you all things what ye should do.” Please do the spiritual work to increase your capacity to receive personal revelation.

I know that was a big chunk of his talk, but I’ve been thinking about it all week and the things we can learn from our prophet.  I hope you enjoyed it too.  Here is another great talk from byu speeches for you to study.  I think you’ll like it and hopefully it will help you as you teach your friends in Florida.  

Can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow.  Sure do love you!  
Love Mom


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