One week, two tradoffs 🤠

 Hey hey hey!

This week as per usual has been way busy, we went on two tradeoffs and i even got to play the piano for zone conference ðŸŽ¹

Blitz ðŸ¥³
After our dinner appointment friday evening we shoved our mattresses in the truck and headed out to highsprings to blitz their area. For those of you who arent missionaries, a blitz is where you have 2 sets of missionaries in the same area for the day. It was awesome, the next morning we went on a walk and saw like 100 dodge chargers(ill put the pic below). For the rest of the day I ended up doing some door knockin with Elder Potokar. There was this one guy who answered the door who was actualy a baptist preacher. We shared Ether 12:27 with him and he was like "theres actually some good stuff in that mormon bible of yours" 

Tradeoff #2 ðŸ¤¯
I also got to go on a tradeoff with one of my zone leaders Elder Burning. Hes a great missionary and i learned a lot about being bold but not overbearing. He said you can be as bold as you want as long as you do it out of love. 

Spiritual thought ðŸ˜‡
Ether 12:27: And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them. 

Elder Pixton

-Elder Potikar
-dodge chargers
-Elder Burning ðŸ”¥ 


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