BK got dunked 🌊

 Howdy yall!

Annother fantastic week has come and gone in the FJM. Bk got baptized and I am officially out of training πŸ₯³

New comp πŸ˜Ž
Elder Clark is an absolute stud. Hes been out for 18 months now so hes got a lot of experience. We had a lesson with someone the other day and he pulled out a bunch of fire scriptures that worked really good for what we were talking about. Theres definitely a lot that I can learn from him. This next transfer is gonna be awesome πŸ˜

Tradeoff miricle ✨
This week I did a tradeoff with Elder Johnston and we found someone new! Elder Johnstons area some would consider is a bit slower. Theres a lot more people that are more wealthy so they are usaly less willing to hear about the gospel. We were walking down this one road though and we decided to go knock one more house and we ended up finding someone!

Scripture of the week πŸ“–
Isaiah 54:10 For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee

Elder Pixton

-new comp
-BK's baptisim!


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