
 Thanks for all the emails, they helped a lot. I was gonna put some more stuff in here about what happened but I figure I'll just tell you when I call later 

It is Wesday my dudes
Today we had district council wich was good. It was a pretty normal missionary day. We made some contacts, did some service, more of the same old same old. 

After we got back from DC we went to the trunk or treat for the ward. One of the ward members had the genius idea for us to be the men in black. It was more like the men in grey though. Neither of us has black suits. After that we drove home and I found out that Elder Clark also loves Linkin Park and Green Day. We talked about that and played magic for the rest of the night 

Also, Elder Clark has a bunch of normal music so thats cool. Last night he turned on wake me up when September Ends and I freaked out. I sung that song all the way home. Hes also got a bunch of songs by the killers and stuff like that. We literary have the same tase in music and its epic. 

 so theres this dude that weve been coming back to a bunch and every time hes just like come back later. We went by today and he put a sign on his door that said dear mormons, not intrested, please leave. It was so funny. We left a card telling him to read 2 Nephi 29:3. 

We went to a farm this morning and moved a bunch of heavy objects. It was crazy they have like 20 cows and horses. They also had a bunch of crazy goats that were just running around. After that whole fiasco we played a bit of magic, had lunch and did some contacting. While we were wandering aroun this one appartment complex we heard some hommies yelling at us from their balcony. They were like you guys should knock on our door. So we went over there and these two dudes answered. They said they were sophmores and they were about to head to the football game. Idk why im writing this in here lol i was just excited to talk to someone under 60. We ended up inviting them over to the church for a tour tomorrow so well see how that goes. 

Holy crap lesson was very gas ⛽️ We just had a church tour with one of our friends and she already wants to be baptized. We didnt even have to ask her, she was like when is the soonest that I can be baptized and join yalls church. Who knows, maybe we'll get two baptisims in one transfer

After that we did some service, had a few more lessons and went to the adult session of stake confrence. Stake confrence was baller

 we drove to gainsville for stake confrence. Stake confrence was bussin there were some awesome talks and the organist went all out with the hymns. Also, Brandon showed up 🥳 for lunch junior took us to this pizza place called piaznos. It was a billion times better than vp, best pizza ive ever had 🔥 something i realized is that ive gone out to eat on sudays more on my mission than i have ever before😶 

Holy moly on our way back one of our friends called us and was like im ready. So we were like for what, and she was like im ready to be baptized. She told us about how today she made her cup of coffee in the morning but then decided she didnt want it anymore so she dumped it out. Soooo.... this could potentially be 3 baptisims in one transfer 🤯

After that we went to the DeMilles for some grub, before dinner was ready we through a baseball around and I got hit in the face. 🫥 then we had a scrumptious dinner and talked about WWII, the cold war, conspiracy theories and a bunch of other things with pres DeMille. Funny story, Pres DeMille actually went on his mission to the FJM, met his wife here, and now he's moved back

From this week ive learned that obedience brings miricles 


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