Not intrested please leave 🫥

 Hey howdy hey! 

This has been a fire week ðŸ”¥ we even put someone else on bap date!! 

Funny story(kinda) 
Theres this guy who we found a couple of weeks ago just by knocking on his door. He seemed pretty interested so we gave him a book of mormon. Ever since then when weve come back hes told us to come back later and that it wasnt a good time. So we kept coming back. The other day when we came back however we found a supprise on his door. He'd made a sign that said "dear Mormons, not intrested, please leave". We thought it was kinda funny that he went through the effort to make a sign for it ðŸ˜‚

Baptisim incoming ðŸŒŠ
So we were driving back from stake confrence when we get a call from one of our friends. Her husband is a member and weve been going by pretty frequently ever since we got to the area. She just had one hold up and that was coffee. When she called us she said "im ready" so we were like ready for what. Then she said that she was ready to be baptized!! She told us about how she woke up and made her daily cup of coffee and she took one sip of it and was like nah thats enough of that and she dumped it out. So she's on date for Noveber 12th! We're so excited 

Thats all for now! 

Elder Pixton 

Here's da photo album for some more pics

-men in black moment


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