
Showing posts from July, 2023

From Mom: Such a great talk Sun, Jul 30, 2023

  I listened to this one this morning and thought you might like it. Getting ready to go to Florida might seem overwhelming and like you could never do enough, but the Lord will perfect your efforts and make them what He needs them to be. Sure do love you!! The Imperfect Harvest Love Mom Thanks mom! It is definitely overwhelming to be here with so many missionaries. It will probably be even worse when I get out to Florida and I'm trying to learn about all the investigators and the members out there. Right now I'm doing a thing called go and do where you pretty much just get to study for 3 hours. I was thinking about Christ's atonement and I found this talk. Also here's my flight info for thrusday Hope you guys are doing great Love William ' Ooh I love that talk from Elder Natress!  I was actually just studying that one last week.  It’s so good! This is

Bread and butter 🧈 Tue, Jul 25 2023

  Bread and butter    Tue, Jul 25 2023 Hey y'all welcome back to the weekly email! This week has definitely been a party, it's been awesome getting to meet my district and having all kinds of new experiences with them. (Sorry bout the long email) Here's the rundown On Wednesday my fam took me to p.f. changs and then dropped me off at the mtc. It was really sad but also exciting to start my first day at the mtc.  On Thursday we had the opportunity to go to the temple and do baptisms. After that my companion and I were able to do this thing called helping others. It's where you are able to teach a lesson to an actor who pretends like they don't know anything about our church. We didn't have much time to prepare for it because we had a meeting right before where they called me as district leader. Since we didn't prepare we had no idea what scripture to share during the lesson so we just shared a random one. Let's just say that lesson didn't go very well

Email from Cohen Mon, Jul 24, 2023

  This is what we did this week.  First we went on a bike ride at Jordan River trail and there were really big spiders and they were all on this one web and there was like 50 big spiders.  So then we watched a movie called Go West and we got to meet 2 of the Studio C people and I even got their autograph.  Today we went to the Natural History Museum, those last two pictures are of a burmese python and I heard they are invading Florida, so watch out for them.  They are not usually that color, they are usually brownish and you can see it in the edge of the last picture.  This one is albino.  That is what we did this week.  I love you From Cohen COHEN!!! Thanks for your email! It made me so happy when I got it. I wish I could have been there to meet the studio c people and go on that bike ride with you. Yesterday after I got your email I was hanging out with my district in a garden and I saw a humming bird moth. Everyone was do confused when I ran away when I saw it.  I love you cohen! -W

From Mom: Hooray, just what you were hoping for! An email from Mom!! Mon, Jul 24 2023

  Hey there, So here's your very first missionary mom email.  I just can't stop thinking about just how proud I am of you and the wonderful man you are becoming.   One of the things I remember most about being your age and growing up was my mom and Grandpa Great telling me just how proud they were of me and how I was the oldest and I was setting an example for all my siblings and cousins.  I'm sure they've both said those things to you as well.   I remember Grandpa Great saying that to me while he gave me one of those big hugs of his, and looking me in the eye with that look he gives of just pure love. You know, that look he gives that you can feel right to your heart.  And when he did that, and you know he does that every time, I knew he meant it.  and I knew my mom meant it.  And it was kind of a lot of pressure to be the good example all the time, but it was also really cool being the first and having them be so proud of me.   I guess I just want to give you one of t

From Dad:Day 1 in the books Thu, Jul 20, 2023

  Hey William, Hope you slept well last night in your new digs. I don't remember if you really shared a room with anyone before. Hopefully there wasn't a lot of snoring going on, but if there was; I wish it would be like the sound machine. When we got back to the house yesterday, I started to pick up a few things and took them up to your room and I see Cohen on your bed with a lock box open and he is going through some coins and pokemon cards. I totally forgot about that box; but I was like dude, we've been home for 10min and you are already going through his personal stuff. Might have to get a lock for your door to keep them out. Oh by the way, zions stock went up 6% yesterday, and 11% today; so yeah, stinks I sold it all a couple of weeks ago. got to stop looking at it, just waiting for it to go drop.... Super proud and happy for you. Hopefully you are feeling the spirit and enjoying this special time you get at the MTC.  Love, Dad Yeah I probably shouldn't have left

Bike rides and zo0m calls Tue, Jul 18, 2023

  bike rides and zo0m calls  Tue, Jul 18, 2023 hey guys!  This past week has been a blast! From going biking with my mom in the mornings to feeling the spirit durning zoom calls, it's been a great experience.  Last monday I was able to meet my companion Elder Alm, he's a super cool dude who unfortunately is a Utah Utes fan. I look forward to meeting him in person on Wednesday. I was also able to meet my district, i'm convinced we have the best district in the MTC. I've definitely been able to feel the spirit in all of our classes.  Something that caught me off guard at first was when I first went to the store wearing my nametag. I noticed that people were looking at me as I walked by and even a few people came up to me and asked where I'm going to serve. It feels like a big responsibility knowing that wherever I go I'm representing our Savior's church.  After while crocodile  Elder Pixton - scout falls - dad and I hittin up vp - big zoom call - the best dist

I'm a monk now Tue, Jul 11,2023

Oye! Welcome to Elder Pixtons missionary emails, I have the opportunity to write an email every preparation day. I'll share all kinds of experiences, pictures, and spiritual thoughts. Through these I hope I can bring a little bit of joy to your lives, and maybe a few laughs.  This week I couldn't help but feel like a monk, with the amount of time i've studied on my own and with others it's helped me in my journey of becoming a missionary.  since i'm not learning a language here's some florida slang i've been practicing:  no-see-ums:  small blood-sucking flies that are difficult to see park in Goofy:    to park far away, inspired by the Goofy parking lot at Walt Disney World, which is furthest away from the entrance oye: hi or hello -Elder Pixton