From Dad:Day 1 in the books Thu, Jul 20, 2023

 Hey William, Hope you slept well last night in your new digs. I don't remember if you really shared a room with anyone before. Hopefully there wasn't a lot of snoring going on, but if there was; I wish it would be like the sound machine.

When we got back to the house yesterday, I started to pick up a few things and took them up to your room and I see Cohen on your bed with a lock box open and he is going through some coins and pokemon cards. I totally forgot about that box; but I was like dude, we've been home for 10min and you are already going through his personal stuff. Might have to get a lock for your door to keep them out.

Oh by the way, zions stock went up 6% yesterday, and 11% today; so yeah, stinks I sold it all a couple of weeks ago. got to stop looking at it, just waiting for it to go drop....

Super proud and happy for you. Hopefully you are feeling the spirit and enjoying this special time you get at the MTC. 


Yeah I probably shouldn't have left the code typed in on my box... oh well, there isn't really anything I care about in there anyways. 
Last night I slept pretty good, we stayed up talking till 11 though. Today we've just been exploring the campus and we went to the temple to do baptisms 


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