Bread and butter 🧈 Tue, Jul 25 2023

 Bread and butter πŸ§ˆ Tue, Jul 25 2023

Hey y'all welcome back to the weekly email!

This week has definitely been a party, it's been awesome getting to meet my district and having all kinds of new experiences with them. (Sorry bout the long email)

Here's the rundown
On Wednesday my fam took me to p.f. changs and then dropped me off at the mtc. It was really sad but also exciting to start my first day at the mtc. 

On Thursday we had the opportunity to go to the temple and do baptisms. After that my companion and I were able to do this thing called helping others. It's where you are able to teach a lesson to an actor who pretends like they don't know anything about our church. We didn't have much time to prepare for it because we had a meeting right before where they called me as district leader. Since we didn't prepare we had no idea what scripture to share during the lesson so we just shared a random one. Let's just say that lesson didn't go very well.

On Friday we went to the temple again and one of the temple workers was pretty grouchy and told us we should find our teacher brother Ellsworth a wife. So we decided to make it one of our district goals to find that man a wife πŸ’

On Sunday I had the opportunity to study for 3 hours straight. I was able to feel the spirit a lot during that and I learned a lot.

Storytime πŸ§ˆ
During one of our lessons our teacher was telling us about his mission. On his mission he said that he had the most success on his mission with single middle aged women. He said "single middle aged women are my bread and butter" . We were all laughing so hard after he said that. 

Hope y'all have been having a great summer back there! See ya later alligator!

Elder Pixton

Here's the photo album for a bunch of goofy pics 

- study time with the elders
- working through our differences in the companionship
- walkin around with the district 
- elder scorce (whos an absolute g) and I


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