From Mom: Hooray, just what you were hoping for! An email from Mom!! Mon, Jul 24 2023

 Hey there,

So here's your very first missionary mom email.  I just can't stop thinking about just how proud I am of you and the wonderful man you are becoming.  

One of the things I remember most about being your age and growing up was my mom and Grandpa Great telling me just how proud they were of me and how I was the oldest and I was setting an example for all my siblings and cousins.  I'm sure they've both said those things to you as well.  

I remember Grandpa Great saying that to me while he gave me one of those big hugs of his, and looking me in the eye with that look he gives of just pure love. You know, that look he gives that you can feel right to your heart.  And when he did that, and you know he does that every time, I knew he meant it.  and I knew my mom meant it.  And it was kind of a lot of pressure to be the good example all the time, but it was also really cool being the first and having them be so proud of me.  

I guess I just want to give you one of those Grandpa Great hugs, and look you in the eye like he always did and tell you that you're doing a great job and I am so proud of you.  You're doing better than you think you are.  The Spirit keeps telling me just how much your Heavenly Father loves you too, and it feels like one of those Grandpa Great hugs.  

While I was thinking about that, I found this quote from President Benson that I have always loved.  I hope you love it too.  

Ezra Taft Benson once said, “Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life” (“Jesus Christ—Gifts and Expectations,” Ensign, Dec. 1988, 4).

We got to go to the temple with Mckenna Law this week, That was such a neat experience and it was fun to watch her take it all in and remember watching you as you did the same thing.  I hope you have enjoyed your time in the temple this week.  

Cohen rode Logan's old bike on the Jordan river parkway trail on monday and he did a great job riding a bike so big for him.  Logan is riding Eden's old bike now and learning how to use the gears.  

We got to meet Matt Meese and James from Studio C when we went to see their new movie Go West.  They did it for Pioneer Day, it was pretty good, but not their best work.  Still, you should have seen Cohen and Logan's faces when they got to meet them, and Cohen even got his byu t-shirt signed by them.  Their star-struck eyes were priceless.

Logan got glasses.  That is one to get used to.  I'm not sure I like it, but I'm sure it will grow on me.  

Eden will be at the MTC tomorrow, so keep your eye out for her!! 

We're so excited to talk to you tomorrow.  We had a toilet leak at the Rose street house on the carpet downstairs and I have to be over there between 9-10 tomorrow so maybe it would be better to call at noon or later.  Just message me tomorrow and let me know what works best for you.  
I heard that you can buy garments at the MTC, so you should go buy a garment top to go with that one rogue bottom.  I never did find that top here in the laundry.  It's probably at grandmas.  Maybe grandpa will accidentally put it on.  Haha!

Here is the QR code for your email list.  I added sister freeman and your brothers. The link is there too in case that is easier.  

Sure do love you William!!  Talk to you soon!!


Hey mom! 
This week has been awesome, I can call pretty much anytime today. I'm just doing my laundry right now. Thanks for the quote and stuff. I miss you guys so much but it's also a lot of fun here. I've been kept really busy so I don't really have time to do any other than sleeping, studying or eating. Let me know when you guys wanna call.
Love you guys!


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