From Mom: Such a great talk Sun, Jul 30, 2023


I listened to this one this morning and thought you might like it. Getting ready to go to Florida might seem overwhelming and like you could never do enough, but the Lord will perfect your efforts and make them what He needs them to be. Sure do love you!!

The Imperfect Harvest


Thanks mom! It is definitely overwhelming to be here with so many missionaries. It will probably be even worse when I get out to Florida and I'm trying to learn about all the investigators and the members out there.

Right now I'm doing a thing called go and do where you pretty much just get to study for 3 hours. I was thinking about Christ's atonement and I found this talk.

Also here's my flight info for thrusday

Hope you guys are doing great
William '

Ooh I love that talk from Elder Natress!  I was actually just studying that one last week.  It’s so good!

This is from my Inklings group from the week they talked about Elder Natress’s talk.  This is from Emily Belle freeman who is going to be the new general YW president.  I loved it….

You already know I’m a big fan of mowing the lawn. 
It’s one of my most favorite summer pastimes. 
I actually look forward to it. 
I haven’t been able to mow this year, and I actually find myself missing it. 
It’s my time. 
Thinking and pondering time. 
It’s one of my most favorite places to talk with God. 
So maybe it won’t surprise you that my favorite line of this whole talk is five words. 
I turned off the mower.
Why did he turn off the mower?
It had to do with one. 
The same as 3 nephi 17. 
And He did heal them. 
Every one. 
Jesus loves to do math by ones. 
And especially with the equation of forgiveness. 
It’s individual.
And I love that. 
A back porch conversation. 
A lifetime to get it right. 


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