Email from Cohen Mon, Jul 24, 2023

 This is what we did this week.  First we went on a bike ride at Jordan River trail and there were really big spiders and they were all on this one web and there was like 50 big spiders.  So then we watched a movie called Go West and we got to meet 2 of the Studio C people and I even got their autograph.  Today we went to the Natural History Museum, those last two pictures are of a burmese python and I heard they are invading Florida, so watch out for them.  They are not usually that color, they are usually brownish and you can see it in the edge of the last picture.  This one is albino.  That is what we did this week.  I love you

From Cohen


Thanks for your email! It made me so happy when I got it. I wish I could have been there to meet the studio c people and go on that bike ride with you. Yesterday after I got your email I was hanging out with my district in a garden and I saw a humming bird moth. Everyone was do confused when I ran away when I saw it. 
I love you cohen!

Hilarious!!  That sounded so funny that you ran away from a hummingbird moth and they got so confused.  
From Cohen


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