
Showing posts from November, 2023

Thank you

  Hey William, I am loving your piano recording.  I might listen to it on repeat while I edit photos.   Love you bud Mom

merry Thanksgiving πŸŽ„

wassup yalll i hope yalls thanksgiving was spectacular because mine was phenomenal thanksgiving in the south was supprisingly symilar to back home... except everything was fried. they literally fry everything down here. my favorite part by far was the fried turkey shout out to the williams for letting us have Thanksgiving dinner with their fam. we werent able to do much missionary work on Thanksgiving sadly since they asked us not to visit people. we did get to hangout with the highsprings Elders though. i got absolutely demolished in monopoly deal this week I got to go on a tradeoff with Elder Carlille, and hes quite the stellar gentleman. hes allergic to wheat, eggs, and dairy it was a little hard to find stuff he could eat, but luckily we had some oatmeal. we ended up doing some finding at the farmers market, and we found someone from ogden so that was exciting anyways thats pretty much it for this week. it wasnt the most exciting week but sometimes missionary work is a bit of a


tisday this moring I had a smoothie while I started to read the bible... dude I had no it talked about the tower of babel in the bible. my mind was blown, i guess thats why I should do some more studying. also is it pronounced babel or bay-bel? I think its bay-bel. after some study we hit up some contacts and did some finding. there was this wacky bug that we found that I took a picture of, we named him Herald. Harald spooked us though, when Elder Clark poked him he flew. I had no idea that he could fly. after that I saw a huuuuuuge ant pile so I had to kick it. I think I might have opened the gates of heck, there was like a billion ants. sadly literary no one answered their doors so we just went and had lunch. after lunch we gave one of the members a blessing becsuse she was feeling sick. we had no appointments for the rest of the day after that though so it was hard to fill time. for dinner we went over to the Andrews (not logan and autumn, we havent seen them in awhile) and had left

Missions in the Spirit World - From Mom

D&c 138:29-40 In YW yesterday, we were reading these scriptures in the D&C and I couldn’t help thinking about how Jesus taught the Spirits in The Spirit world how to be missionaries in the 3 days between his death and resurrection. A thought came to my mind about Christ being the mission president for the Spirit world and then it starts talking about all the prophets from the scriptures who were teaching in the Spirit world after he taught them and I though, no, he was the mission president for the mission presidents, and how cool would it be to have Daniel or Noah or Isaiah be your mission president. And then I got thinking about Grandpa Great and Bishop Ishmael and Conner, and Bonnie, and I wonder who they got for their mission president in the Spirit world. Maybe Moroni? Maybe President Monson? Just kind of some cool thoughts. Those scriptures just hit a little closer to home since you are serving your mission right now and I just thought it was so cool to think about

πŸ”₯ Fire - From Mom

As you would say, and I think you already did, President Oaks’ talk is fire! Look at all the notes and marking I’ve done on mine! I love pondering on what “comfortably abide” means and thinking about how Heavenly Father’s plan is all about us choosing to be happy in the way that is most comfortable for us. “He will see that we receive every blessing and every advantage that our own desires and choices will allow.” I also love how he laid out the kingdoms of glory in a way that is much easier to understand. Hope you are having a good day. Love you!! Mom


  Toesday  we just visited a bunch of peeps in between 10 and 1230. By lunchtime, I was so hungry, so Junior came in clutch and got me a footlong at the soObway. He also gave me a shirt from idaho cause he went to a wedding for a missionary in idaho.  For the rest of the day, we went door knocking in the rain. I absolutely loved it, but Elder Clark hated it. I kinda had to drag him around for a bit, but that's ok. Clukey definitely had to drag me around some days.  Woesday Today, we had zone zonfrence, and it was actually really good. I feel like I actually know a bunch of the missionaries now. When I first got here, it was so weird. I literally didn't know anybody except Elder Alm (RIP ). Now I know like everyone. Well, at least everyone I've served around. For lunch, they gave us some bird(we couldn't tell if it was chicken or turkey), and it was pretty gross. Sister Elberts talk was insanely fire   Afterward we had president interveiws, it went well. We talked about

lotsa rain 🌧

 hey yalls  this week has been an amazing 70° all week and raining. we've found a lot of new people, and had some awesome lessons! knocking doors in the rain was actually really fun. a lot of people were more willing to let us in when they saw us standing out in the rain so that was awesome she answered the door  there's this one lady that Elder Clukey and I found. she seemed pretty promising when we first talked to her, but we haven't been able to get in contact with her since. we talked to a member who said that she knew her, so we haven't given up on her yet. weve tried to contact her a bunch before friday to no avail. on friday when we knocked though we heard music playing inside, so we knocked 4 times... as we were walking away she finally answered!!! she opened the door and said that she's still interested but she's just really busy. it was just really cool because we said a prayer before we knocked on her door that she would answer the door sadly I still

Gayle entered the waters of Chiefland🏊‍♂️πŸ„‍♂️πŸŒŠπŸ‘»

Ayo, what's up! As of the 10th, I've officially been a missionary for 4 months Its insane. Time flies so fast on the mish On monday, I went to High Springs for a tradeoff with Elder Potokar... we mignt have relocated Elder Carlile's desk... (see pictures) The tradeoff went very well, people actually answered their doors. We didn't run into anyone who we're very intrested though, a lot of them went to other churches. There was this one lady we talked to who was actually really respectful. She didn't agree with us with certain things, but she wasn't mean about it I've been working with Gayle the whole time. I've been out here. It's really cool to see how far shes progressed since I got here. She'd been taught by missionaries a lot before I showed up. She'd already been taught all the lessons, and she was going to church every week. We were so excited when she called us two weeks ago and told us she was ready to be baptized. The actual bap