
this moring I had a smoothie while I started to read the bible... dude I had no it talked about the tower of babel in the bible. my mind was blown, i guess thats why I should do some more studying. also is it pronounced babel or bay-bel? I think its bay-bel. after some study we hit up some contacts and did some finding. there was this wacky bug that we found that I took a picture of, we named him Herald. Harald spooked us though, when Elder Clark poked him he flew. I had no idea that he could fly. after that I saw a huuuuuuge ant pile so I had to kick it. I think I might have opened the gates of heck, there was like a billion ants. sadly literary no one answered their doors so we just went and had lunch. after lunch we gave one of the members a blessing becsuse she was feeling sick. we had no appointments for the rest of the day after that though so it was hard to fill time. for dinner we went over to the Andrews (not logan and autumn, we havent seen them in awhile) and had leftovers

we woke up to an absolute downpoor this morning. it was spectacular. the ZLs joined us for our daily planning so that was a party. after that we knocked on this one house that was pretty funni. from inside we herd someone say "go tell the mormons were not home" so this kid comes to the door and says "my mom says were not home" we were like oh reallly? comedy gold
zistrict zouncil was bomb, Elder Clark gave a spectacular teaching and guess what. Elder Potokar turned all of us into Pokémon my mind is blown. the cards look sick. after that our man Ethan canceled on us so we visited a bunch of less active members. one of them was like yeah I just started going to a baptist church instead. and we were like why, and she said it was because her family started going there instead. after that whole fiasco we went to give this one guy a blessing. his knee had a narly infection, he was in the hospital for 2 seeks and he said that they had to revive him twice when they did sugury. the belssing went really well and the spirit was super strong. were gonna dunk this man tomorrow (not really) he said hes gonna come to church though so thats epic.

for breakfast Junior too us huddle house and I got some waffels there was this one homeless dude who they had to kick out so that was crazy. we had thanksgiving dinner at the Williams and that place was jumpin. there was like 50 people in this tiny little house but it was a lot of fun. after dinner after that we went up to highsprings to play some monopoly deal with those Elders. when we got home from that I finaly conviced elder Clark to play chess he was actually really good, but he never really stood a chance against my superior intelect

today was weekly planning day... most of our appointments today fell through so we just did a bunch of finding. for dinner we went over to brother bob and sister Gayles house and they just gave us pie... no dinner. it was so good but I felt horrible afterwards. after pie we drove up to newberry to commence our tradeoff. when Elder Carlille and I got back I realized that Brandon gave us a christmas tree awhile back and that it was sitting in the shed. so after the Carlille man got all unpacked we started to set up the tree when we realized it didn't have the right base. we made it work with a cardboard box though, as long as no one bumps the tree it should stay up...

I was hangin out with Elder Calrlille all day today and it was litty. sadly hes allergic to dariy, eggs, and wheat, so he cant really eat anything. luckily we had some oatmeal so he could eat that. we went to the flea market today and we ran into someone from north ogden. he was like are yall from utah, and we were like howd you know. but that was pretty fun to talk to him. for lunch I made some chicken and rice and then we went out finding. annnd guess what. we found 2 whole people today(not half people). one of them didnt really count though becsuse we didnt realize she was already in our records. at some point during the day I looked over and Elder Carlille was absolutely konked(so i had to take a selfie with the man). dinner today was soubway and the cashier lady was pretty cool. she gave us a coupon that let us get 3 footlongs for 17 bucks. now thats a steal of a deal if I do say so myself. after that we all zoomed home to snooze

Elder Clark and I got to bless the sacrament today and he forgot to take the bread after that Clark gave a fire talk about temples in sacrement meeting, junior and I were making faces at him the whole time.

h o l y c o w we just visited this one member family and they have a ginormous cow farm. they said they have about 700 cows. they even have a few show cows that they take to competitions. did you know they have cow show competitions??? i had no idea. it was pretty cool talking to them though. after that we visited the dude with the koi pond again. turns out the man has an insane stamp collection. it was actually really cool, he had some pretty expensive stamps

for dinner I made kung pow chicken and it was bussin. the recipe said 4 cloves of garlic so I had to text my mamma to figure out if a clove of garlic was the whole garlic or just the little slices. it turns out it was just the slices, that would have been wayyy to garlicy if I put in all 4. then I vacumed the whole trailer, we made a few phone contacts, played some more of the nerd game


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