lotsa rain 🌧

 hey yalls 

this week has been an amazing 70° all week and raining. we've found a lot of new people, and had some awesome lessons!

knocking doors in the rain was actually really fun. a lot of people were more willing to let us in when they saw us standing out in the rain so that was awesome

she answered the door ðŸ¥³
there's this one lady that Elder Clukey and I found. she seemed pretty promising when we first talked to her, but we haven't been able to get in contact with her since. we talked to a member who said that she knew her, so we haven't given up on her yet. weve tried to contact her a bunch before friday to no avail. on friday when we knocked though we heard music playing inside, so we knocked 4 times... as we were walking away she finally answered!!! she opened the door and said that she's still interested but she's just really busy. it was just really cool because we said a prayer before we knocked on her door that she would answer the door

sadly I still havent seen any gators, but I saw tiny tim the turtle crossing the road on satuday so we stopped and gave him a lift

untill next week ðŸ«¡ 

Elder Pixton

-frog man
-close up of frog man
-tiny tim
-closeup of tiny tim


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