Missions in the Spirit World - From Mom

D&c 138:29-40
In YW yesterday, we were reading these scriptures in the D&C and I couldn’t help thinking about how Jesus taught the Spirits in The Spirit world how to be missionaries in the 3 days between his death and resurrection. A thought came to my mind about Christ being the mission president for the Spirit world and then it starts talking about all the prophets from the scriptures who were teaching in the Spirit world after he taught them and I though, no, he was the mission president for the mission presidents, and how cool would it be to have Daniel or Noah or Isaiah be your mission president. And then I got thinking about Grandpa Great and Bishop Ishmael and Conner, and Bonnie, and I wonder who they got for their mission president in the Spirit world. Maybe Moroni? Maybe President Monson? Just kind of some cool thoughts.

Those scriptures just hit a little closer to home since you are serving your mission right now and I just thought it was so cool to think about those we love teaching the same things you are teaching in the Spirit world.
Sure do love you!
Love Mom


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