

 we just visited a bunch of peeps in between 10 and 1230. By lunchtime, I was so hungry, so Junior came in clutch and got me a footlong at the soObway. He also gave me a shirt from idaho cause he went to a wedding for a missionary in idaho. 

For the rest of the day, we went door knocking in the rain. I absolutely loved it, but Elder Clark hated it. I kinda had to drag him around for a bit, but that's ok. Clukey definitely had to drag me around some days. 

Today, we had zone zonfrence, and it was actually really good. I feel like I actually know a bunch of the missionaries now. When I first got here, it was so weird. I literally didn't know anybody except Elder Alm (RIP🪦). Now I know like everyone. Well, at least everyone I've served around. For lunch, they gave us some bird(we couldn't tell if it was chicken or turkey), and it was pretty gross. Sister Elberts talk was insanely fire 🔥 Afterward we had president interveiws, it went well. We talked about repentance and a bunch of stuff. it went well. After interviews, we helped clean the church, talked with the APs, and headed out. On the way back, we had a fire lesson with our man Ethan. He asked such good questions. After that we came home, I ate some ramen and I practiced the piano a bunch. 

Today was once again... rain 🤪 I. Love. The. Rain. This morning, we had weekly planning, so we went to the church for 2 hours for that. our homie Rob took us out to lunch, and that was awesome. after grub, we went and visited a bunch of people. we had to get Sister Gayles information again cause it didn't save🤦‍♂️ then we hung out with Junior at the ice cream store and taught him how to play magic... he is very confused. after that we went home and I found a package! I got the sound machine 😁

for breakfast this morning, I made some french toast, and that was scrumptious. during study time, I found this ensign that had a timeline of the Book of mormon. I never realized that King Noah and King benjimans speech happened at the same time, so that blew my mind. during lunch, I just cleaned a bunch, I dont know why, but I get really stressed out whenever it's dirty.
we did a bunch of finding today, and guess what. we found one whole person 🙌🤯🥳 it was actually pretty fun today cause people actually answered their doors, so we got to talk to peeps. it was taco friday at Sister Conrads' house, so we and Junior went over there. it was a partayyyy. I ate 5 whole tacos 🌮 🌮🌮🌮🌮 then we went home, played magic, and hit the sack

this morning, i worked out, showered, and studied while I ate some strawberries, and then we headed out to the flea market. there was a Jehovas Whitness stand at the flea market, so that was fun. we did a wee bit of door knocking, and i might have, maybe... uhm... said the s word 🫣okay look, there was this sign on someone's door that said dont knock or I'll lose my shiz and I read it out loud... Elder Clark is never gonna let me live it down. after that we had some grub and guess what! the pants yall sent me came!! they fit great. after lunch, we saw a cute lil zurttle crossing the road, so I had to stop and give him a lift 🐢

hollly cooooow 🐄 no way. okay, so there's this lady that Elder Clukey and I found. She seemed pretty promising when we first talked to her, but we haven't been able to get in contact with her since. we talked to a member who said that she knew her, so we haven't given up on her yet. we've come by 5 times before today, and she didn't answer, but we left cards and a book of mormon on her doorstep. today we heard music playing inside, so we knocked 4 times... as we were walking away she finally answered!!! she opened the door and said that she's still interested but she's just really busy. she also thanked us for giving her the Book of mormon and shtuff. it was just really cool because I said a prayer before we knocked that she would answer the door. 

well we're in the ward chior now... i was gonna play the piano in zacrement zeeting today buuut they forgot about it so im off the hook for now. for some reason everyone is just in a good mood sunday night. we had 3 lessons in a row that were awesome. theres this one guy who had a coi pond and a siiiick motorcycle. I never want a motorcycle, but they are pretty cool. he said that just the paint job was like 10,000 bucks 🦌 

awhile ago Elder Clark, Potokar, Carllile and I were at zaxbys. we noticed that they named their salads zalads. ever since then its been an inside joke to put a z infront of random words... that might explain a bit of the shenanigans in this email 🫥


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