
Showing posts from September, 2023

I gave annother talk 😵‍💫

Whats up whats up whats up! Another awesome week in the FJM has come to pass and I havent lost any limbs yet so ill count it as a success Passive aggressive lady On thursday we went to go check in with one of the members we hadent met yet. She was really nice but was going through a bit of a hard time. In the middle of it one of her friends pulled up and started asking us questions about our church(which we always enjoy). Then after that she pulled up a few scriptures in the bible that she tried to prove us wrong with. We knew the answers to them but we just decided to bear our testimonys to her instead of trying to argue with her. It ended up being being a very spirit-filled and positive discussion. (If you want to hear more about some of the points she brought up, shoot me an email) We showed bk the font In church on sunday Elder Clukey and I were able to both give talks about how "God loveth a cheerful giver". Because of this we were able to get a good amount of our frien

Sept 25 2023 (email to Mom and Dad)

  Tuesday Today we went tracting for a bit, had lunch, had a lesson with bk and then did some more tracting. We actualy found annother new person today   hes already down to go church so thats awesome. After that we knocked on the dog ladys door and she wasnt home. So we stopped by home for a few minutes before dinner with the williams. We had burritos and they were bussin, after that we played what do you meme and talked about disnyland and roller-coasters. After that we had a quick lesson with the boys and headed home.  Wensday Today I worked out, studied for a talk im giving and then we headed out to go help Autumn andrews fix her washer and dryer. After that we drove to gainsville for district council wich was awesome the spirit was deffinitely there. After that we hurried home to meet with this one guy who was gonna look at our roof because one of our walls is squishy   afrer that we had a lesson and had dinner with the andrews. We also got to play codenames so that was fun.  Thur

It's officially Fall 9-24-2023 (from Mom)

Hey William, It's been a pretty good week here. Just kind of a normal week, and I know I told you we had a ton of peaches and some apples, but now the apples have been picked and they are Jonathan's ( my favorite) and my favorite peaches are ripe on the tree that we keep talking about taking out, but it produced a ton of huge delicious peaches, so it will be hard to take it out. We took the youth to our temple yesterday to do baptisms. It was pretty amazing to be inside our temple actually doing baptisms with the youth. We really could have used you to baptize kids though, we only had one priest show up so a temple worker baptised all the girls. I don't know if it was the way they do baptisms, or if it was just that the kids were excited to be at our temple, but they were more reverent than I have ever seen them as a group doing baptisms. The Spirit was strong and I really love that we have a temple just for us. It's the best. I ended up with a huge old hutch fro

video from church news about hurricane Idalia relief

New person and car problems 🚗💨

What up yall! One transfer down 16 more to go, and guess what.... we found another person to teach! Cood dude we found We were just knocking some doors the other day and this one dude answered and was like oh dont you guys have like multiple wives? So we explained that to him and told him a bit about the church and he was like you know im actually down to join your church. So we're super excited to keep teaching Not actualy a basher We had a cool experience this week when we took our car to the shop to get the oil changed. We were sitting in the waiting room when this guy walked in and was like why are yall dressed so fancy. We could tell that he knew who we were and probably wanted to bash us but we talked to him anyways. We ended up having an hour long conversation about what we both belive. The dude was a very respectfull guy and I gave him a book of mormon at the end and told hime to read 2 nephi 2 (because we were talking about the creation). Its really cool to see how much we

September 18

Tuesday Today was a good day. Since Clukey is the DL(district leader) he assigned me to give a teaching at district council about charity. So i was able to prepare for that. After that we prolly called 20 diffrent tire centers and we eventually found one that could fix our tire today. On the way to the tire center we stopped at some peoples houses. None of them were imterested in talking and one of them told us not to come back as soon as she opened the door she was like no no no, just no, we don't want to see you anymore, don't come back. Its the worst when they do stuff like that. I wish she would have at least treated us like real people and not robots. Shes probably going through a rough time or something like that though. After lunch we went to this place called TAB automotive. The dude we talked to was just an awesome down to earth guy. He said he could get the car done within the hour. While we were in the waiting room I was in the middle of writing this email when som

September 11 2023

  Tuesday Today was a pretty normal day. It was a good break from all the hurricanes and other crazy stuff that's been happening lately. We went knocking doors a bunch today. We actually had some good successes, though. I think we gave out 5 or 6 BOM's. I mean, I doubt they will actually read them, but it would be cool if they do. After all that, we had dinner and a lesson with a member that we get to work with a lot. I was kinda proud of this one because I pretty much gave the whole lesson myself. We read verses out of mosiah 21-24 and talked about the differences between the two groups of nephites. We ended up feeling the spirit a lot, and it was a good lesson. After that, we went home, played some magic, and hit the hay. Wensday I could not fall asleep last night. I just couldn't get my mind to stop thinking. I wasn't really thinking about anything specifically. I kept thinking about how I needed to sleep or else I'd be tired the next day. Welp turns out i am tir

Flat tire and more hurricane stuff 😎

  Hey howdy hey!  Annother awesome week has come and gone, so lets get into it. We were able to help with the hurricane cleanup once again this week. Luckily we didnt have any mucking out jobs this time, it was mostly just choping trees. Its kinda scary sometimes though because a lot of the volenteers don't know how to use chainsaws. Also we had the opportunity to meet with bk again and we actually put him on bap date!!! Im so excited hes gonna be my first baptisim.  At some point while we were doing service we got a nail in our tire so Elder Clukey and i had to figure out how to change a flat. With some help from one of our friends we eventually figured it out  I didnt have much time to write the email this week so this ones a bit shorter. Hope yall are doing great!  Elder Pixton  -the squad (I forgot my nametag  ) -frog dude -poor shed -uhhh