Sept 25 2023 (email to Mom and Dad)


Today we went tracting for a bit, had lunch, had a lesson with bk and then did some more tracting. We actualy found annother new person today 🙌 hes already down to go church so thats awesome. After that we knocked on the dog ladys door and she wasnt home. So we stopped by home for a few minutes before dinner with the williams. We had burritos and they were bussin, after that we played what do you meme and talked about disnyland and roller-coasters. After that we had a quick lesson with the boys and headed home. 

Today I worked out, studied for a talk im giving and then we headed out to go help Autumn andrews fix her washer and dryer. After that we drove to gainsville for district council wich was awesome the spirit was deffinitely there. After that we hurried home to meet with this one guy who was gonna look at our roof because one of our walls is squishy 😬 afrer that we had a lesson and had dinner with the andrews. We also got to play codenames so that was fun. 

Random fact about today: its the 200th anniversary of angel moronis first visit to joseph smith
Welp today i woke up had a scrumptious smoothie worked out and showered as per usual. I played the piano a bunch and we worked on our talks durning comp study...

After that we made some phone calls and had a 2 hour discussion with these 2 old ladys(everyone here is old🤦‍♂️). Im just going to explain the conversation we had when we talk over the phone. Today was a pretty good day 

i had so much energy when I woke up so I pulled Clukey outta bed to go on a run. It was like the perfect temperature we didnt go very far but it was fun. 

Today we met this dude whos house burnt down so hes living in a trailer. His car stopped working so hes been trapped at his trailer for 16 days without groceries. He has a neighbor whos been giving him water though. He also needs to go to the hospital but he dosent have a ride there so hes pretty much dying. Hes been taught by the missionaries in the past but we cant really figure out why they stopped teaching him. First were gonna get some help from the ward members to get a ride for him though. 

After that it was like 7 so we just went home but junior had a few questions about the church so he took us out for ice cream... we might have stayed out a bit past 9 so that was illegal 😶


Today we went to give a blessing to sister lang because she has covid. We also saw a ton of huge tractors on the road so that was cool. Then we got to go to the farmers market and they have all sorts of cool stuff there. After that we were visiting some contacts and we ran into some drunk black dudes. We got out of our car and they were like do yall have any money and we were like no and they were like well youve got a pretty nice truck there. So then the dude grabbed a knife outta his truck so we started moving back towad our car and they were like wait dont go we wanna pray with you. So we prayed with them and they were like whats your name and they acted like theyd never herd the name will before 😂 they were like will like will you do something and i was like yeah. They were so confused for some reason. Then they asked us to say annother prayer with them so I said it this time and they were like you hesitated you're nervous i can tell. I was like of course im nervous i thought yall were gonna mug us. And they were like nah wed probably get struck down if we tried to steal from yall. So yeah that was pretty scary, im glad im definitely going to take my cash outta my wallet after that experience 

Today was actually pretty epic, Elder Clukey and I both gave fire talks today. And we got a bunch of people to come to church for it, Including bk 🥳After church we showed bk the font and explained what was gonna happen. Then we went over the interview questions with him. He dosent even smoke or drink so thats good. 

After that we went to go give some water to people who dont have drinking water. When we stopped by the dude whos house burnt down we looked around his yard for him and we couldent find him. Then we went to his trailer and the door was wide open. Inside he was completely naked just laying in a pile of trash. I hope he was just asleep and not dead or something. We just decided to leave the water by his door and get the heck outta there. We'll check back on tuesday and see if he moved. 


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