September 18

Today was a good day. Since Clukey is the DL(district leader) he assigned me to give a teaching at district council about charity. So i was able to prepare for that. After that we prolly called 20 diffrent tire centers and we eventually found one that could fix our tire today. On the way to the tire center we stopped at some peoples houses. None of them were imterested in talking and one of them told us not to come backas soon as she opened the door she was like no no no, just no, we don't want to see you anymore, don't come back. Its the worst when they do stuff like that. I wish she would have at least treated us like real people and not robots. Shes probably going through a rough time or something like that though.

After lunch we went to this place called TAB automotive. The dude we talked to was just an awesome down to earth guy. He said he could get the car done within the hour. While we were in the waiting room I was in the middle of writing this email when someone walks in the door. We waved at him when he walked in and he walked over and was like why are yall dressed so fancy. I could tell that he was baiting us into talking about religion but I indulged him anyways (Elder Clukey was kinda asleep). We ended up having an hour long conversation about what we both belive. I even stumped him a few times with some banger questions that he couldent answer. The dude was a very respectfull guy and I gave him a book of mormon at the end and told him0 to read 2 nephi 2 (because we were talking about the creation)

After that we stopped by this one members house and caught her smoking so that was a tad awkward. She had a new ebike that wasnt working though so she asked if we could fix it. It was actualy pretty fun to be able to fix up a bike. It made me miss mountain biking

For dinner today we went to brother salas and sister gayle's house. They always spoil us with the best food, but today they made us try some pickled ocrah(i dont know how to spell it) and pickled sausage. The ocrah was good but the pickled sausage... lets just say i wont be eating that again. For desert we got butter pecon pie though and it was ammmmmazing


Today we had district council so we got to drive all the way to Gainesville for. At DC I gave an absolutely stupendous teaching about charity and then I flexed a bit of my piano skills. On the way back the dude at TAB automotive called us and told us he forgot to put in a screw so we stopped by there. While he was putting that in he found out that our oil was leaking. Apparently the guys who changed the oil the last time used an air wrench so it stripped the housing for the oil filter. So were gonna go back tomorrow to make sure its not leaking anymore.

I dont really remeber what happened today

For p study this morning I memorized Helaman 5:12. It took forever but ive got it now, im so proud of myself lol

I dont know what it is about black people but we just have a lot of success with them. Today we knocked this one neighborhood that has like only black people and almost all of them answered their doors. We met this one homie who was like arent you guys the people who have multiple wives and we were like we dont do that anymore and we started to tell him a bit about the church. He was like well I think I might be joining yalls church then.

So we were gonna go on a run this morning but we were both feeling sick when we woke up so i just did some pushups instead. After that I made some awesome french toast and we went to go help one of the members move. It was pretty discusing. There was mouse poop on everything and the whole house smelled like cat pee. After that we went home showered and had lunch. For some reason today everyone was asking us to do service for them. We had one of the ward members ask if we could help him move some sheets of metal. Also the branch pres called us to take the e piano to one of the members houses so it wouldent get wet. I was like can we store it at our house instead? He was like sure I just dont want it to get wet. im so excited. We have a piano now!!!! My comp is gonna be so annoyed at all my piano playing. After that we visited the guy we met yesterday. Hes pretty much already down to be baptized. To finish the day off we went to the andrews for some dinner and autumn about burned the house down. After that Logan proceded to tell us all the tea about him and one of the other familes we teach. Turns out they are actually related. Dude its so bad they wont even walk in through the same door for sacrememnt meeting. Its so weird, because its such a small town everybody knows everybody and pretty much everyone is related somehow. That makes for a lot of drama though.

Well im 90% sure we have covid so thats cool. We've been feeling sick lately and they just sent out an email saying that a few other missionaries just tested positive. I dont feel very sick but they said its going around.


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