September 11 2023


Today was a pretty normal day. It was a good break from all the hurricanes and other crazy stuff that's been happening lately. We went knocking doors a bunch today. We actually had some good successes, though. I think we gave out 5 or 6 BOM's. I mean, I doubt they will actually read them, but it would be cool if they do. After all that, we had dinner and a lesson with a member that we get to work with a lot. I was kinda proud of this one because I pretty much gave the whole lesson myself. We read verses out of mosiah 21-24 and talked about the differences between the two groups of nephites. We ended up feeling the spirit a lot, and it was a good lesson. After that, we went home, played some magic, and hit the hay.

I could not fall asleep last night. I just couldn't get my mind to stop thinking. I wasn't really thinking about anything specifically. I kept thinking about how I needed to sleep or else I'd be tired the next day. Welp turns out i am tired today 🫠

I think I poked my eye or something while we were moving all those trees the other day, so it's been red for the last few days. It's not goopy or anything, so I dont think i have pink eye. It's just kinda annoying because everyone thinks im high. Im gonna get it checked by the dr, though 

Today, we went to gainsville for district council. Its sister spencers last district council so we had a funeral for her. Also, there's a card shop in gainsville, so we stopped by there to get some magic cards. 

we just put bk on bap date!!!🥳🥳🤯🤩🌊 im so excited you have no idea. He's gonna be my first baptism, and if everything goes well, it will be on october 14th 🤞

After we met with bk, we went and had dinner with the andrews, so that was fun as always. We lost track of time, though, and almost missed our meeting with the ZLs tonight 😶

Welp, my eye is still red, so I called the doctor man and he said that its probaby pink eye, or i could have scrached my cornia. If it gets worse tomorrow then he said to go to the instacare. 

We didn't have any appointments for today, so we went over to the andrews and washed their windows. We decided we would supprise them and do their dishes and clean their house up a bit too.

After that, we went and picked up some free food from the baptists and helped hand it out to people who dont have money for food. 

The ZLs came over last night so we blitzed our area today (when you have two sets of elders in the same area at the same time). Elder Richey and I made a few contacts and then the rest of the 10 elders came over. We went to the church so we could unload some supplies from the big rig, but after that we didnt have anything to do. So we just had 14 elders goofing off at the church for 5 hours and that was a party. Also I blundered and forgot my nametag today so that was awkward. 

When we got back to the trailer, everyone unpacked and then we played blackjack. We didnt have anything to bet on though so we just used scrable tokens. 

Today was trees trees and more trees. We just spent the whole day cutting up trees and moving them. There was this one member who was doing the most insane things with the chainsaw. He looked like he had a death wish, i was like dude you have a family😅 there was this one tree that fell on someones carport so he climbed onto the carport to chop it down. When he finished the cut the tree fell and almost broke through the carport and it would have taken him with it. Somehow it was strong enough that it held and he didnt die. The rest of the day was a party tho cause we got to hangout with elder kennard and tanner all day. Also i found a few frogs and lizards today so that was epic. 

Also we got transfer calls today. It turns out im staying in cross city and cheifland for another 6 weeks. Its crazy, after this week we'll have gotten through a whole transfer. Just 16 more to go after that

Its a lot of fun doing service all day but we dont have any time to study so its kinda deppressing. Also im kinda stressed out cause our trailer looks and smells like a pig stigh at the moment. 

Today was crazy. We started out by getting rained on during sacrement. After that we did some more tree moving. And some other shenanigans with elders kennard and tanner... the service wasn't as bad today though, we only did it for a few hours. At some point we got a nail in our tire so we had to pump it up. It was kinda scary driving around on only 9 psi for a while though. I think we're gonna go get it fixed on tuesday.

After we got home and everyone left i decided it would be a great idea to clean the oven... i dont know if it had ever been cleaned before. I must have scrubbed that thing for 30 minutes. Then we also swept the floor, cleaned the bathrooms, vacuumed and picked up all the random pairs of g's everyone left around the house. 

Holy cow i just had the most surreal experience. We went to this one pizza place called hungry howies and it was just like VP. Even the boxes were the same, i was about to put on an apron and start folding. It made me kinda sad though.


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