Flat tire and more hurricane stuff 😎

 Hey howdy hey! 

Annother awesome week has come and gone, so lets get into it.

We were able to help with the hurricane cleanup once again this week. Luckily we didnt have any mucking out jobs this time, it was mostly just choping trees. Its kinda scary sometimes though because a lot of the volenteers don't know how to use chainsaws.

Also we had the opportunity to meet with bk again and we actually put him on bap date!!! Im so excited hes gonna be my first baptisim. 

At some point while we were doing service we got a nail in our tire so Elder Clukey and i had to figure out how to change a flat. With some help from one of our friends we eventually figured it out 

I didnt have much time to write the email this week so this ones a bit shorter. Hope yall are doing great! 

Elder Pixton 

-the squad (I forgot my nametag 😐)
-frog dude
-poor shed


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