2024-3-11 Family Email

for breakfast I made a smoothie... i worked out, studied then we went to the food bank. the food bank was insane as per usuall. Elder bassett was absolutely gobsmacked. for lunch i used my chef abilites and cooked up some chicken. it was actually un-un-gas (supprisingly) I found some balsamic vinegar in the cubord so i put some of that on it. after that we did some door knocking. it was raining all day today and Elder Bassett absolutely hated door knocking. he was like dude theres a no tresspassing sign we cant go in there. and then we did and it was fine lol. yeah the first door knocking experience is always the worst. after that we had sandwiches at sis newmans and she got to know Elder Bassett. it actually really helped him to talk to her so that was good. hes been pretty homesick, but he seemed to be doing better after that. then we went home and played magic

it was Elder Bassetts first district council today!!! there was actually a lof of things that people said during DC that were really applicable to him so that was good. the dude is super flirty though. what a blunder. after DC he said he missed Chick fil a so I took him out onna lil chickfila date. lemme tell you, those waffle fries hit diffrent. after that we just did a bunch of missionary things. we knocked doors, we visited peeps, all that good stuff. for dinner Bro Wilson took us out to the gathering and he gave us a member refferal! we like never get those so that was insanely awesome. after dinner we were driving past a bunch of baseball fields and there were some games going on so Elder Bassett was like we should go walk around. I was like that is probably the best idea ive ever heard, so we went and walked around and ended up talking to 3 people! none of them were intrested, but we got to talk to people. then we went home and studdied

today we did all of our morning things then went to the park to weekly plan. Elder Bassett had trouble staying focused and I have a really short attention span so it was just a huge mess. that whole experience just reminded me of Dug from Up, where hes always like "squirrel!" we eventually got it done though. for lunch Elder Bassett wanted some wheat thins so we went to the local dolar general. after that we went into our spooky barn and set up the pool table we just found sitting around in there. we couldent get it all the way level though so were going to work on it more tomo. for the rest of the day we drove around and did missionary things. one of our dudes showed up 40 minutes late to one of our lessons so that was lame. for dinner I taught Elder bassett how to make chicken (well cook chicken not make chicken. you have to be a chicken to make chicken). then we went to bed.

for breakfast I had a bagel with some cinnamon cream cheese on it and it was gas. after we studdied we headed to brother willsons saw mill. yes you read that right. the dude has a whole saw mill that he built himself. hes got a bunch of employees and stuff too. he told us that some of his employees might be intrested in the gospel so he invited us over for a tour. dude it was so cool. he was also working on turing a camp trailer into a mobile hen house that can fit 200 chickens. the man is basically preparing for the apocalypse. he has a bunch of farms and stuff too so if he needed to he could go completely off grid. after that we had lunch and played some pool. we set up the pool table outside though so there was like 3 huge bumble bees that kept hovering around us. after lunch I had no idea what to do. like we literary had nothing in our schedule so we just visited a bunch of random peeps for 4 hours. sister newman made chicken and rice for us for dinner and that hit the spot. after that we studdied, played magic and went to bed

okay this one is gonna be a short one cuz its 10 and we loose an hour of sleep tonight. but today was pretty gas. we ended up having 3 lessons with members participating, and we even got one of the spanish speakers in our ward to come to a lesson with our friend Jesùs. it poured buckets all day today so that was awesome.

church today was kindof a hot mess. the organ once again wasnt working so we just sang accapello(idk if i spelled that right). the chorister was super duper off key so it was once again a good thing that none of our friends came to church. it was fast sunday today so like half the ward went to this one restaurant after church so that was kinda weird. like no one was fasting and i guess people just go out to eat on sundays in the south after that we just drove around and visted tons of people... guess what. we got to play football with these one homies. it was these two black kids our age and we knocked on their door and they were like you wanna play football? so we were like yeah were down. it was so much fun. I got a pretty epic touchdown where I rolled into the endzone and it was crazy. I got grass stains all over my white shirt though. after that we had dinner with these peeps who do a dinner every sunday and they gave us pork belly. it was pretty good except for the actual belly part. after that we just studdied and now were just chilling at home


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