February 26 2024 Family Email

so today was a ton of finding. we went out in the boonies and knocked an abundance of doors and an abundance of those got slammed in our faces. like it was actually so funny this one dude threatened to sick his dogs on us if we didnt get off his property. he was like you better run to the gate or your gonna get bit... but they're werent even any dogs outside. so yeah we had absoluyytley zero success from that but it was a super nice day today so it was nice to go on a 2 hour walk pretty much. after that we had a zoom lesson with stephanie where we talked about a bunch of deep doctrine. after that we decided that there was still one more person left for us to find so we went finding again. it was the last door we knocked on and we ran into this super nice old lady named Jo-ann. shes had throat cancer twice so is super hard to understand her. like gift of tounges definitely came into play to try and interpret what she was saying. she told us her whole story and it was super inspiring. after that she gave us some bookmarks with some scriptrues on them and 2 aloe plants each. she was like heres one for you and one for your girlfriend or your mom. for dinner sister newman mixed salmon and pineapple and it was actualy pretty good. during comp study, we read in the scriptures. then we went home, I did laundry and worked out then went to bed. also. I made a goal to work out every day this week so hopefully that goes well.

today was district council. it was Elder Gawrychs last district council so thats crazy. hes gonzo in 8 days after the council of district all of our appointments canceled. i mean thats not saying much because we only had 2, but still. so we had 4 hours of nothing to fill... so it was more finding today. door knocking here is kinda weird though becsuse everyone lives in the middle of nowhere and the houses are so far appart. so when you show up at someones door and they are in the middle of nowhere theyre pretty supprised when they see you. theyre like why in the heck are you on my porch. so its a lil awkard but its chill anyways, we found no one. but we cleaned out our kitchen during dinner and before bed. we decided to take out all the drawers and throw away a bunch of stuff. and guess what??? we found a secret stash of stuff behind one of the drawers. they were just a bunch of old papers that fell behind, but it was stuff from the year 2000 so that was cool.

this morning I worked out, had some yogurt. after all the morning things we went spelunking under Alex's house. we pretty much just helped him patch some holes and put in more insulation. we lost track of time though, so we had to zoom back home to change before lunch. when we got to the lunch place the members who were taking us out just handed us money and left. so we just went home and made our own food. after lunch we did a bit of weekly planning at the park cuz it was a great day outside today. then we went to go have a lesson with Tami. We read through a bit of Mosiah 18(where alma talks about baptisimal covenants and invites everyone to be baptized) then we read from Matthew 3 (jesus's baptisim).... annnd she is now on date to be baptized on March 23rd!!!! she is actually so ready to be baptized. the only hurtle we have to get over with her is coming to church. shell watch it on zoom, its just a big first step for her to come to church. After that we had some super loooong lessons. one alex and one with Bruice. then we went home and had dinner. before bed I cleaned the shower and Larkin threw away a bunch more crap we had sitting around. he found an rc car so we took that appart and played with the motors for the rest of the night. also a packge from the stake came today. those letters made me happy

well idk why but for some reason thursday is always wayy busier than friday. we had literally nothing in the schedule when we woke up today lol. we started out this morning with a bit more planning then we went out finding. after driving around for a bit we ran into an "air park" id never heard of these before maybe its just a florida thing, but its pretty much a runway in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of filthy rich people living around it. they all have planes and they just take off and land whenever they want. we found this one guy named mike sitting on his porch and we ended up talking to him for an hour. he told us all about his planes and pretty much talked me into being a pilotaparently after youve been flying for awhile you only have to work like 3 days a week and you're home the rest of the time. and it makes a boatload of cash after that we did some more finding and went out to eat with Brother and Sister Irby. then we finished up our planning went home, worked out and I konked out like a light

today was a pretty awesome day. well mainly beacause all day we were super impatient to get transfer calls at the end of the day. we had a super cool miricle happen during one of our lessons that I thought id put in here. we had a lesson with our friend Mel today and we brought sis Newman. Larkin and I had an idea about what we were going to talk about but Sis Newman went completely off book and did something diffrent(which ended up being a good thing). she pulled out a church book that she had and told Mel to flip to a random page and start reading. who would have thought she just started reading on the baptisim page. Mel's been thinking about baptisim for awhile now and she just started crying as soon as she read it. we were like, well now you have to get baptized. she still has a few hurttles she has to get over but she has the desire

other than that we didnt do too much else, we found a lot and we had a few more lessons. the big news is that transfer calls finaly came!! Elder Larkin is headed off to interlochen so hes super excited about that.... im gonna be training!!!! im literally so excited. also super nervous. I have no idea how to train a new missionary.

I had a bagel for breakfast today. church was kinda weird but also pretty good. we had our friend Faye come to church today!! she gave us cash though she pulled a Dave and handed it to us and didnt let us give it back. we were like no you're not allowed to do that. for the speakers today it was bishop and a youth speaker and bishops talk was sub par. he just dove into some deep doctrine about the pre existence for 20 mintues we were like ohhh crap were gonna have to explain a lot to Faye after this but luckily she left before bishop started speaking. usually we try and get people to stay for the whole time but it was probably better that she left before bishop gave his talk after church we went finding and we had dinner with the Cox's. they're old(well evrryone is ancient around here) so we had dinner at 3. for the rest of the day we made some more visits and we were talking about how I should prank the new missionary when he comes in


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