February 19 2024 Family Email

anyways, today I woke up feeling pretty crappy so I just stayed in bed for a bit. then I took a super steamy shower to un-clog my nose and I felt a lot better after that. the food bank was hectic as always, but one of the food bank people started asking us about missionary stuff so that was cool. we probably wont start teaching him or anything like that, but he definitely respects us and what we do. thats the thing about the south. a lot of people love that were going out talking about Christ so they're super friendly to us, but most of them have their own church and dont want to be taught. after the food bank we had lunch and went to mayo for a lesson with stephanie. sister Royse came in clutch and bore her testimony when we face timed her so thats another member participating lesson babyyyy. lessgoooo. after that we just did some finding and, well thats about it. I didnt eat much for dinner because I had not appetite from being sick. also... we finished the puzzle tonight so thst was cool

today we texted a bunch of people to try and coordinate some member participating lessons and they all ended up falling through mpl's are a nightmare to coordinate then we headed off to district concil and everyone was spitting bars as per usuall. Elder Gawrych still hasent done any of the tradeoffs yet though... that means he'll have to do 4 this next week after that we had subway for lunch and stopped by our friend Juddys house. her situation is kinda rough. for the last 8 years shes been taking care of her mom who is super old and has dementia. she pretty much cant do anything for herself so Juddy can never leave the house. she never really gets any visitors so it makes her super happy whenever we stop by. shes a super nice lady, I feel so bad for her though. shes just kinda trapped. after we talked to her for awhile we got to have an awesome lesson with our hommie Larry. maybe ill tell you about his whole situation when we call. but pretty much we convinced him to start reading the BOM again. after that we had dinner at sis newmans, we went to justins for awhile and talked about prophets. then I gave Conner a mini piano lesson at the church before we texted a bunch of peeps. after that we just went home and i practiced my song all night.

breakfast today was an opium enhanced bagel (cause it had poppy seeds), then we studdied. we were both out of it during weekly planning so it went pretty slow. for lunch I had some chicken, then we headed off to a lesson with Tami. we got sister Collier to join on zoom and it turned out to be a banger lesson. sis Collier is literally soo good at missionary stuff like she was pointing out a bunch of miricles in Tami's life and helping her identify the spirit, it was so fire. were hopefully going to put Tami on bap date on Saturday so hopefully that goes well after that we found a color changing lizzard in someones yard so that was hype. then we had pres interviews at the church. not to much to report from that, it went well tho. during dinner Larkin told me that something crazy happens if you microwave a boiled egg, so we did a lil experiment. just fyi + microwave = after that we went to the church to make phone calls and for a call with the district. after that we went home and I finnnnaly hit the 200 pushups

i made a smo0thie for breakfast today. after shower, and study we went to have a lesson with our friend gina. we called Bro Cox during the lesson so it counts as a member participating lesson for the rest of the day we pretty much just drove all over the place and planned inbetween when we had time. we were able to set up 4 member participating lessons for tomorrow so were hoping those dont fall through. during dinner today we went to the Christensens, we attempted to call one of our friends with them but their was zero service in their home. after that we went to the church to plan some more. while we were there some peeps bamboozled us and started cleaning the church so we helped them. then we had a call with our zone, went home and I was tired so I turned in a bit early.

what a day. im actually writing this sunday morning because I went to bed at 915 last night... but yesterday I made a smoothie and studdied. we had 4 lessons planned today, but 2 of them canceled so we decided to go finding in the rain. yeah it was raining all day btw. we knocked on this one guys door and he was like Mormons right? so we were like yeah, then he was like your beliefs are a little off and slammed the door. but after that we found 2 people!! they actually seem super elect, one of them said that he'd come to church tomorrow. we had lunch at some point, then we went to Justins with Brother Dorsett and it was actually a pretty good lesson. after that we went to the church to do some fone contacts and right when we started comp study I felt all pukey for no reason. so we just went home and I went straight to bed.

I woke up this morning feeling like 100 bucks i got a full 9 hours of sleep. today we had church and the person who was gonna give a talk didnt show up so it was super unorganized. one of the bishopbrick people just read from a general confrence talk instead Justin came to church but it was raining today so no one else came. its kinda weird, whenever it rains in florida(wich is a lot) every one just shuts down and wont do anything. we had a super good lesson with alex today and a really good phone call with Tami so that was awesome. were definitely going to try and put her on date next time we see her.


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